Posts By: chirolane

Dr. Oz on FATTY LIVER Disease 07105 NEWARK Dr. Oz on FATTY LIVER Disease We know that the appearance of our liver provides insight into our health. One of the biggest tells is the damaging accumulation of fatty deposits in the organ itself. What causes fatty liver disease? In the past it was mostly associated with excessive alcohol consumption, but… Read more »

20 Foods That Can Help Unclog Your Arteries 07105 NEWARK 20 Foods That Can Help Unclog Your Arteries Jill Waldbieser You’re never too young to start eating for your arteries—blockages can start early. Science shows that these foods could be your ticker’s best friend. 1 / 21 Keep your heart healthy The number one killer in the United States is heart… Read more »

Gastric bypass surgery tied to diabetes remission 07105 NEWARK Gastric bypass surgery tied to diabetes remission Three in four obese people with diabetes who had a common type of weight-loss operation called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) experienced remission of their diabetes within a year after surgery, a Danish study found. Five years later, 27 percent of the people who achieved… Read more »

Sugary drink tax tied to drop in soda consumption 07105 NEWARK Sugary drink tax tied to drop in soda consumption People in Berkeley, California, dramatically cut their soda consumption after the city implemented a “soda tax,” a new study suggests. Three years after Berkeley passed its soda tax in November 2014, residents reported drinking half as many servings of sugary drinks as… Read more »

‘Blue’ in Blueberries Tied to BP Lowering that Rivals Medication 07105 NEWARK ‘Blue’ in Blueberries Tied to BP Lowering that Rivals Medication Eating the equivalent of 100 grams of blueberries for 4 weeks, twice a day is associated with systolic blood pressure lowering that is equivalent to the effect of BP-lowering medications, new research suggests. Investigators believe anthocyanins, compounds with antioxidant effects and… Read more »

20 Best Foods to Lower High Blood Pressure Without Medication 07105 NEWARK 20 Best Foods to Lower High Blood Pressure Without Medication When we think about trying to lower high blood pressure, we usually think of limiting salt and processed foods. But a heart healthy diet is more than just lowering your sodium intake. The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, which is specifically designed to… Read more »

A Morning Walk, Less Sitting Can Lower Blood Pressure for Hours 07105 NEWARK A Morning Walk, Less Sitting Can Lower Blood Pressure for Hours Middle-aged and older adults with excess weight or obesity can improve their blood pressure (BP), and therefore their cardiovascular health, simply by walking briskly for a half hour in the morning because the benefit is sustained for several hours, a small study… Read more »

More Evidence Prenatal Vitamins Reduce Risk for Autism 07105 NEWARK More Evidence Prenatal Vitamins Reduce Risk for Autism Taking vitamins during the first month of pregnancy may reduce the risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in siblings of affected children by half, according to findings published online today in JAMA Psychiatry. Although some investigations have associated maternal use of folic acid supplements during early pregnancy with reduced risk… Read more »

Study bolsters link between prenatal nicotine exposure and ADHD 07105 NEWARK Study bolsters link between prenatal nicotine exposure and ADHD  Pregnant women who have nicotine in their systems from smoking are more likely to have children who develop attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a new study suggests. And the higher the level of nicotine in a pregnant woman’s blood, the greater her child’s risk… Read more »

Nuts Tied to Lower CVD Risk in Type 2 Diabetes 07105 NEWARK Nuts Tied to Lower CVD Risk in Type 2 Diabetes Eating nuts may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and death in people with type 2 diabetes, according to a study published online in Circulation Research. The researchers found that higher levels of nut consumption — especially tree nuts like walnuts, cashews, and almonds… Read more »