Posts By: chirolane

Measure Your BMI and Get Serious About CVD 07105 NEWARK Measure Your BMI and Get Serious About CVD A study from the Netherlands takes the guesswork out of computing if you are in danger for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Researchers found that waist circumference and body-mass index (BMI) we equally accurate in predicting non-fatal and fatal CVD for both men and women. If you are a women, your… Read more »

Men Can Live 14 Years Longer, If… 07105 NEWARK Men Can Live 14 Years Longer, If… Men who exercise, don’t smoke and have a normal waist circumference lived an average of 14.2 years longer than those who didn’t exercise, smoked and whose waist is greater than 37”. Health-conscious men have a 59% lower risk of coronary heart disease events, a 77% lower risk of cardiovascular… Read more »

Really, No Benefits of Breakfast in Weight Loss Program 07105 NEWARK Really, No Benefits of Breakfast in Weight Loss Program Despite long-held beliefs and widespread medical recommendations, breakfast does not appear to have an important role in weight loss after all, with a new meta-analysis showing no evidence that eating breakfast reduces daily caloric intake and weight gain is no worse among… Read more »

Too much toddler screen time tied to worse social, motor skills by kindergarten 07105 NEWARK Too much toddler screen time tied to worse social, motor skills by kindergarten Toddlers who spend too much time in front of televisions, tablets, and smartphones may not become as skilled at problem-solving, communication and other skills needed for school as their peers who have less screen time, a new study… Read more »

Simple Math: Sugary sodas = Kidney Disease 07105 NEWARK Simple Math:  Sugary sodas = Kidney Disease We know that today’s sodas and other sugary soft drinks aren’t an ideal drink in any way. One study found that drinking one or more sugary sodas a day increases your risk for Type 2 diabetes by 26 percent. There’s also research showing that… Read more »

One serving of fried chicken a day linked to 13% higher risk of death, study finds 07105 NEWARK One serving of fried chicken a day linked to 13% higher risk of death, study finds A regular serving of fried chicken or fish is associated with a higher risk of death from any cause except cancer, according to a new study done in postmenopausal women in the United States. Women… Read more »

Top 10 Threats to Global Health Include Flu Pandemic, Air Pollution 07105 NEWARK Top 10 Threats to Global Health Include Flu Pandemic, Air Pollution The world is facing multiple health challenges, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has published its list of the top 10 threats to global health in 2019 that will require attention from the agency and its partners. Topping the list is air… Read more »

Intermittent Fasting Plus Lower-Calorie Diet May Be Best 07105 NEWARK Intermittent Fasting Plus Lower-Calorie Diet May Be Best Overweight women who ate a lower-calorie diet and fasted 3 days a week lost more weight and had better cardiometabolic markers than women who only reduced their calorie intake, or only fasted, or did neither in a small, 8-week randomized trial. “Obese women… Read more »

What Increases Your Blood Pressure? Different for Men and Women 07105 NEWARK What Increases Your Blood Pressure? There are two measurements that are considered “significant predictors of hypertension (high blood pressure): body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). But these predictors differ based on gender. According to the study “BMI played an important role in hypertension risk among males, but WC in… Read more »

Low Back Pain in Female Athletes 07105 NEWARK Low Back Pain in Female Athletes Young female athletes (average age 23 years) endure a considerable amount of low back pain (LBP). According to a recent study, “the 12-month prevalence of LBP was 39.0 %; in addition, lifetime and point prevalence (people who have pain right now) of LBP were 59.7 and… Read more »