Posts By: chirolane

Cholesterol, Diabetes, BP Meds May Help Treat Serious Mental Illness 07105 NEWARK Cholesterol, Diabetes, BP Meds May Help Treat Serious Mental Illness Statins, calcium channel blockers, and metformin may have a role in treating serious mental illness, new research suggests. Joseph Hayes, PhD In a large observational study, investigators found individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder (BPD), or nonaffective psychosis (NAP) were less likely to experience psychiatric hospitalization during… Read more »

Certain Dental Flosses Raise Body Levels of Toxic Chemicals

Certain Dental Flosses Raise Body Levels of Toxic Chemicals Flossing teeth could increase the body’s levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) — widely used chemicals linked to a number of diseases and certain cancers — warn US researchers. Changing daily behaviors could reduce exposure, they say. PFASs have the unique ability to resist both… Read more »

High Fiber, Whole Grains Linked to Lower CVD, Diabetes, Cancer Risk 07105 NEWARK High Fiber, Whole Grains Linked to Lower CVD, Diabetes, Cancer Risk Eating more dietary fiber and whole grains protects against noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), such as coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, type 2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer, according a new review commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO). Researchers reviewed and meta-analyzed 40 years of studies, including… Read more »

Up to One Egg a Day May Ward Off Diabetes: Metabolomic Study 07105 NEWARK Up to One Egg a Day May Ward Off Diabetes: Metabolomic Study New research digs down into why middle-aged Finnish men who ate up to one egg a day (high intake) had a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than their peers who ate fewer eggs. The scientists previously showed that in the prospective,… Read more »

Unhealthy Gut Bacteria Makes It Harder For You To Lose Weight But These 18 Foods Can Fix This! 07105 NEWARK Unhealthy Gut Bacteria Makes It Harder For You To Lose Weight But These 18 Foods Can Fix This! by DailyHealthPost Editorial November 29, 2018 You might not think much about it but your microbiome actually plays a role in your ability to lose weight and keep it off for the long-term. The human… Read more »

These 11 Habits Will Stop Tooth Decay in its Tracks 07105 NEWARK These 11 Habits Will Stop Tooth Decay in its Tracks by DailyHealthPost Editorial January 4, 2019 Little known fact: the most commonly cited medical disqualification for those called to fight in WWII was tooth decay and loss of teeth. Back then, there was little you could do to stop tooth decay…. Read more »

5 Chair Exercises That Reduce Belly Fat In No Time! 07105 NEWARK 5 Chair Exercises That Reduce Belly Fat In No Time! by DailyHealthPost Editorial January 9, 2019 While working an office job sure has its benefits, sitting down for most of the day has its risks. Your body is meant to move throughout the day. In fact, a review of 47 studies… Read more »

This ONE Stretch Relieves Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, Achilles Pain And Heel Pain 07105 NEWARK This ONE Stretch Relieves Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, Achilles Pain And Heel Pain by DailyHealthPost Editorial January 9, 2019 Everyone experiences foot problems at some point in their lives. If you’re someone who enjoys running or exercising, chances are that you’ve had at least one of the following things: shin splints compartment syndrome heal pain achilles tendinitis,… Read more »

Statins may help prevent diabetes-related eye problems 07105 NEWARK Statins may help prevent diabetes-related eye problems Diabetic patients who take statins to treat high cholesterol may get an added benefit: a lower risk of damage to the retina, a new study suggests. Researchers found that diabetic patients taking statins were 14 percent less likely to develop retinopathy than those who… Read more »

Study details how high fiber diets make for healthier lives 07105 NEWARK Study details how high fiber diets make for healthier lives People who eat lots of high-fiber and whole grain foods have lower risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other chronic diseases than people whose diets are low in fiber, a study commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) says. For… Read more »