Posts By: chirolane

Multivitamins, Minerals Do Not Improve Your Heart Function 07105 NEWARK Patients who took multivitamins and minerals did not have improved CV outcomes, according to a review and meta-analysis published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. “Although multivitamin and mineral supplements taken in moderation rarely cause direct harm, we urge people to protect their heart health by understanding their individual risk for heart… Read more »

Chocolate milk may be better than sports drinks for exercise recovery 07105 NEWARK Chocolate milk may be better than sports drinks for exercise recovery Athletes who drink chocolate milk during exercise or after a hard workout may recover just as quickly as they would with sports drinks, a research review suggests. What people eat and drink during intense exercise and afterward can impact how… Read more »

A Frightening New Reason to Worry About Air Pollution 07105 NEWARK A Frightening New Reason to Worry About Air Pollution A massive study solidifies the link between particulates from cars and diabetes It’s fairly well known that a bad diet, a lack of exercise, and genetics can all contribute to type 2 diabetes. But a new global study points to an additional,… Read more »

Cancer diagnosis tied to increased risk of diabetes 07105 NEWARK Cancer diagnosis tied to increased risk of diabetes Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – People who get diagnosed with cancer may be more likely to develop diabetes, a Korean study suggests. The study included 524,089 men and women, ages 20 to 70, who didn’t have cancer or diabetes at the start. By… Read more »

People Who Drink Coffee, Regardless Of The Quantity, Are Likely To Live A Long, Healthy Life 07105 NEWARK People Who Drink Coffee, Regardless Of The Quantity, Are Likely To Live A Long, Healthy Life Even the heaviest coffee drinkers are less likely to die prematurely than the those who drink the least or none at all. Not only is new research backing this claim, there have been a number… Read more »

The best ways to eat healthy and feel better have nothing to do with calories 07105 NEWARK The best ways to eat healthy and feel better have nothing to do with calories Calories don’t tell the full picture when it comes to healthy eating. In fact, focusing exclusively on a food’s calorie count can be pretty misleading. The most obvious problem with calories is that they don’t tell… Read more »

This Skin Condition Can Be a Sign of Diabetes. 07105 NEWARK I did not know about this! –  Dr. Lane This Skin Condition Can Be a Sign of Diabetes. Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O.,D.A.C.B.N., M.S. Darkening of the skin at the nape of the neck could be an early indication of insulin resistance and diabetes. The condition, called Acanthosis Nigricans (AN), is marked by… Read more »

Teens’ lack of sleep tied to high blood pressure, more body fat 07105 NEWARK Teens’ lack of sleep tied to high blood pressure, more body fat Adolescents who don’t get enough sleep may be more likely to develop risk factors for heart disease like high blood pressure and excess body fat, a U.S. study suggests. “Sleep matters,” said Dr. Elsie Taveras of Massachusetts General Hospital… Read more »

Tonsillectomy May Worsen Long-term Health Outcomes 07105 NEWARK Tonsillectomy May Worsen Long-term Health Outcomes People who have their tonsils or adenoids removed before age 9 years are at higher risk for respiratory, infectious, and allergic diseases up to the age of 30 years, a population-based study of almost 1.2 million patients suggests. “We found that tonsillectomy was associated with… Read more »

Very Low-Carbohydrate Diet Beneficial in Type 1 Diabetes 07105 NEWARK Very Low-Carbohydrate Diet Beneficial in Type 1 Diabetes Following a very low-carbohydrate diet (VLCD) can produce “exceptional” glycemic control for both adults and children with type 1 diabetes, new research finds.  The results, from more than 300 patients with type 1 diabetes, were published online May 7 in Pediatrics by Belinda S. Lennerz, MD, PhD, of… Read more »