Posts By: chirolane

Running May Be Good for Your Knees 07105 chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Running May Be Good for Your Knees Many people worry that running ruins knees. But a new study finds that the activity may in fact benefit the joint, changing the biochemical environment inside the knee in ways that could help keep it working smoothly. Many runners and nonrunners alike have frequently told… Read more »

Adherence to Nordic-Style Diet Linked to Lower Risk for Total Stroke 07105 chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Adherence to Nordic-Style Diet Linked to Lower Risk for Total Stroke Consuming a Nordic-style diet — which includes cabbages, rye bread, fruit such as apples and pears, root vegetables, oatmeal, and fish — may be protective against some types of stroke, new research suggests. In a cohort of more than 55,000 participants… Read more »

‘Weekend Warriors’ Have Lower Risk for All-Cause Death 07105 chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK ‘Weekend Warriors’ Have Lower Risk for All-Cause Death Exercising in “weekend warrior” mode for just one or two sessions a week lowers the risk for all-cause mortality and death from cardiovascular disease (CVD) or cancer compared with no exercise, according to results of a study published online January 9 in JAMA Internal Medicine. The minimal… Read more »

Another reason not to smoke while pregnant 07105 chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Another reason not to smoke while pregnant Women who smoke during pregnancy may be more likely to have children with kidney damage than mothers who steer clear of cigarettes, a study suggests. Smoking during pregnancy has long been linked to preterm and underweight babies and a wide range of birth defects. The… Read more »

The Threat Of A Stroke Has Never Been Greater (in Young People!) 07105 chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK The Threat Of A Stroke Has Never Been Greater (in Young People!) A recent Rutgers University study found that in the U.S., people ages 42-51 have a 43 percent HIGHER rate of stroke than those ages 62-71. Furthermore, stroke rates have more than doubled in people 35 to 39 and doubled in… Read more »

Grandparents who help care for grandchildren live longer than other seniors 07105 chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Grandparents who help care for grandchildren live longer than other seniors Grandparents who help out occasionally with childcare or provide support to others in their community tend to live longer than seniors who do not care for other people, according to a study from Berlin, Germany. Having full-time custody of grandchildren can… Read more »

Vitamin Deficiency Linked to Stroke and Plaque Buildup in Carotid Arteries 07105 chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Vitamin Deficiency Linked to Stroke and Plaque Buildup in Carotid Arteries A study published in the the Canadian Medical Association Journal revealed that people low in vitamin B12 had an increase risk of a fatal heart attack and stroke. The study focused on the relationship between homocysteine, B-12 and carotid artery plaque…. Read more »

Statin Effects on Alzheimer’s Vary by Race, Sex 07105 chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Statin Effects on Alzheimer’s Vary by Race, Sex The high use of statins, compared with low use, is associated with a reduction in the risk for Alzheimer’s disease in different magnitudes across racial, ethnic, and sex groups, with variance also according to the type of statin, suggests new research delving into the… Read more »

A Nutrient That Dissolves Arterial Plaque 07105 chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK A Nutrient That Dissolves Arterial Plaque Instead of statin drugs, the nutritional product policosanol not only dramatically slows down the progression of arterial narrowing, but actually reverses plaque. And it is safer, cheaper, and has additional biochemical benefits that the statins do not. Policosanol makes blood less likely to abnormally, form clots by lowering fibrinogen… Read more »

Eating Eggs Linked to Decreased Stroke, No Increase in CHD Risk 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Eggs Linked to Decreased Stroke, No Increase in CHD Risk New research has reopened the debate on whether eggs are beneficial or harmful in terms of stroke or coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. Combined results from a new meta-analysis of seven prospective cohort studies suggest that eating approximately one egg a day is… Read more »