Posts By: chirolane

Changes in the physical exam portion of the Commercial Drivers License (English and Spanish). 07105 NEWARK Changes in the physical exam portion of the Commercial Drivers License. The United States Department of Transportation has required that this exam be done by a certified medical examiner (CME) as of May 21, 2014. Now the exam is changing again and it will become more difficult to pass it as… Read more »

Regularly Breaking a Sweat May Protect Against Stroke 07105 NEWARK Regularly Breaking a Sweat May Protect Against Stroke Failing to regularly work up a sweat through exercise may raise risks for a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), a new study confirms. The study found that participants who were inactive had a 20% increased risk for stroke compared with those who… Read more »

Five Ways to Get More Good Cholesterol 07105 NEWARK Five Ways to Get More Good Cholesterol Like the adopt-a-highway folks who tidy up the nation’s roads, a housekeeping crew in your bloodstream works 24/7 to keep your arteries squeaky-clean. On the crew: Healthy HDL cholesterol, which goes after lousy LDL before it can morph into heart-threatening plaque. 1. Good HDL… Read more »

World War DC 07105 NEWARK World War DC As you all probably know by now, there is a movie out called “World War Z” starring Brad Pitt. What you may not know is that he plays a character named after me, Gerry Lane. [I actually spell my name “Jerry Lane” but you know Hollywood –  always… Read more »

After a Sprain, Rest and Treat Before You Walk On It! 07105 NEWARK After a Sprain, Rest and Treat Before You Walk On It! An estimated 28,000 ankle injuries occur daily in the United States, most of them through sporting activities, including jogging on uneven surfaces. But while no one suggests remaining sedentary to protect your ankles, experts wisely warn against purposely putting them… Read more »

Low Vitamin D Tied to Aging Problems 07105 NEWARK Low Vitamin D Tied to Aging Problems A new study has found that low vitamin D levels in people over 55 are associated with an inability to perform ordinary tasks of daily life. Dutch researchers studied two groups of older people — one of 725 men and women aged 55 to… Read more »

Whiplash: What Are The Odds of a Permanent Injury? 07105 NEWARK; Whiplash: What Are The Odds of a Permanent Injury?         I’m sure you’ve heard someone claim, “…you’re not really injured – you’re just going for a big settlement!”  Or, “…that person isn’t really hurt, they’re just in it for the money!” Though there are cases that may fit this scenario, the majority… Read more »

Babies and Vitamin D 07105 NEWARK Babies and Vitamin D Vitamin D deficiency is widespread among infants and most pediatricians remain unaware of the problem. Only 5 to 13 percent of breast-fed infants receive at least 400 IU of Vitamin D per day, the amount currently recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.         Human breast milk is actually relatively… Read more »

MRI Findings, Disc Degeneration and Low Back Pain 07105 NEWARK MRI Findings, Disc Degeneration and Low Back Pain The Study: MRI Findings of Disc Degeneration are More Prevalent in Adults with Low Back Pain than in Asymptomatic Controls: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.     The Facts: a. Both symptomatic and non symptomatic people have visible degenerative changes on imaging.    b. The… Read more »

Are You Planning to Outlive Your Children? 07105 NEWARK Are You Planning to Outlive Your Children? I read an article that points out how obesity will impact on families.  I have been told that outliving your children is one of the saddest experiences a parent can go through.  My grandmother outlived every child she had but two (my mother and her brother).  My mother outlived her… Read more »