Posts By: chirolane

Muscles Love These Foods! 07105 NEWARK Muscles Love These Foods! Muscles like carbs — lots of them — especially if you’re doing intense or endurance exercise longer than 45 minutes. Carbs replenish glycogen reserves, the stored form of glucose that muscles crave. Healthy fats produce anti-inflammatory cytokines that help reduce pain and speed up healing, a boon for injured muscles.  Try… Read more »

Top Six Ways To Stop Bad-Back Attacks 07105 NEWARK Top Six Ways To Stop Bad-Back Attacks Sometimes the smallest action — that last twist of the champagne cork on a romantic night, scooping up your grandchild for a smooch — can throw your back out of whack.  But if you take these back-happy steps to prevent strain, you’ll keep those… Read more »

How Good Cholesterol Can Keep Alzheimer’s Away 07105 NEWARK How Good Cholesterol Can Keep Alzheimer’s Away Want to be able to blow the candles out on your 100th birthday cake and actually remember what you did during all of those years? Then keep your healthy HDL cholesterol high. That’s a secret shared by long-lived people who’ve never developed memory-robbing Alzheimer’s disease:… Read more »

For Women With Diabetes, Air Pollution Has Higher Heart Risks 07105 NEWARK For Women With Diabetes, Air Pollution Has Higher Heart Risks Particle pollution like soot is a known health hazard and linked to the risk of heart disease and stroke, but women with diabetes are even more vulnerable than most people, according to a new U.S. study. “There is a convincing literature… Read more »

Sunshine Reduces Colorectal Cancer 07105 NEWARK Sunshine Reduces Colorectal Cancer An interesting study looked at the incidence of colorectal cancer based upon how far people lived form the equator. Researchers wanted to discover if a greater exposure to sunlight would reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. They found that “incidence of colon cancer was highest in countries distant from… Read more »

Exercise for Chronic Low Back Pain 07105 NEWARK Exercise for Chronic Low Back Pain In additional to chiropractic care, an “individually designed” exercise program has also been shown to help relieve chronic low back pain (LBP). Researchers found that an “individually designed exercise therapy program for chronic LBP was associated to clinically significant functional improvement both on discharge and… Read more »

Strawberries Reduce Cholesterol 07105 NEWARK Strawberries Reduce Cholesterol A group of healthy people were given 500 grams (about 18 ounces) of strawberries every day for 30 days. At the end of that time, numerous tests showed many benefits including “significantly reducing total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides levels.” The authors concluded that “strawberries consumption improves… Read more »

Chiropractic for Sciatica 07105 NEWARK Chiropractic for Sciatica Sciatica is a condition in which pain radiates from the lower back down one or both legs. This is generally caused by a problem in your lower back. While many people believe that sciatica requires surgery, a new study found that “sixty percent of patients with sciatica who… Read more »

Exercise: It’s The Fountain Of Youth 07105 NEWARK Exercise: It’s The Fountain Of Youth As it turns out, the fountain of youth is not some mystical place in the forest, it’s located inside you.  Here’s what this is all about:  According to Science Daily, December 2, 2010, “Prof. Dafna Benayahu and her team at Tel Aviv University’s Sackler School of Medicine say their… Read more »

The Philosophy at Chiropractic Lane: Motion is Health 07105 NEWARK The Philosophy at Chiropractic Lane: Motion is Health Among the many differences you will experience at Chiropractic Lane is our philosophy that motion is the only answer to restoring the patient to a healthy condition. To understand what this means to us, it is important to understand what motion means to your body…. Read more »