Posts By: chirolane

Diabetes Guidelines Suggest LOWER Blood Glucose, NOT Lowest 07105 NEWARK Diabetes Guidelines Suggest LOWER Blood Glucose, NOT Lowest Under current guidelines, most older patients with diabetes don’t have to get their blood sugar to rock bottom; a 7.5 or 8 percent blood glucose level (measured as HbA1c, an average of several recent readings) produces the same benefits as very low glucose. Blood pressure readings,… Read more »

High-Fat Diet Linked to Anxiety, Depression 07105 NEWARK High-Fat Diet Linked to Anxiety, Depression Consuming a high-fat diet may cause brain changes that lead to anxiety and depression, and although switching to a healthy diet reverses metabolic changes, mood problems persist, preliminary research suggests. Results of the mouse study showed that a high-fat diet is linked to type 2… Read more »

Acupuncture, Alexander Technique Effective in Neck Pain 07105 NEWARK Acupuncture, Alexander Technique Effective in Neck Pain The first randomized controlled trial to examine the effect of adding acupuncture or Alexander Technique exercises to usual care (medication and physical therapy) for chronic neck pain found promising improvements in pain reduction and self-efficacy, British researchers report in an article published in the November 3… Read more »

High-Sugar/Fat Diet Tied to High Insulin, Subsequent Hypertension 07105 NEWARK High-Sugar/Fat Diet Tied to High Insulin, Subsequent Hypertension Most doctors and many laypersons are aware that eating a diet high in sugar and/or fat is unhealthy, but now a new study connects a couple more dots, revealing that such diets are associated with a greater likelihood of having high insulin levels,… Read more »

Commercial Driver Medical Examinations (CDL) and Issues of Obesity 07105 NEWARK This article explores the impact of obesity on conditions that limit the ability of truck drivers to work, as well as the many medical factors that impact on the obesity/trucker relationship Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine: June 2015 – Volume 57 – Issue 6 – p 659–665 doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000000422 Original… Read more »

Dr. Lane’s Thoughts V 07105 NEWARK Dr. Lane’s Thoughts V 1) I took this quote from a colleague: “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live” – Jim Rohn.  2) I started out in this career as a chiropractor by working for many disreputable doctors.  I cannot apologize for this – everyone… Read more »

Early Animal Exposure Decreases Childhood Asthma Risk 07105 NEWARK Exposure to dogs and farm animals during the first year of life decreased the risk for asthma in children at 6 years of age, according to a registry-based cohort study published in the November 2 issue of JAMA Pediatrics. These new data support the “hygiene hypothesis” that early exposure to animals decreases the risk… Read more »

High-Altitude Living Linked to Lower Alzheimer’s Risk 07105 NEWARK High-Altitude Living Linked to Lower Alzheimer’s Risk Individuals who live at higher altitudes may have a 50% lower risk of dying of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) compared with their counterparts living at lower altitudes, say US researchers in findings that may point to a number of potentially associated factors. In an analysis… Read more »

‘Bursts’ of Exercise Improve HbA1c, Lipids in Type 2 Diabetes 07105 NEWARK ‘Bursts’ of Exercise Improve HbA1c, Lipids in Type 2 Diabetes Short bursts of high-intensity exercise resulted in a significant improvement of cardiometabolic risk factors when compared with a traditional sustained-exercise program in a small group of patients with type 2 diabetes, a new study shows. Presenting the results here at the 2015… Read more »

Vitamin D, Calcium, Exercise Slow Bariatric-Surgery Bone Loss 07105 NEWARK Vitamin D, Calcium, Exercise Slow Bariatric-Surgery Bone Loss A multipronged approach reduced bone loss and loss of lean muscle in obese patients who underwent bariatric surgery to lose weight, in the Bone Metabolism after Bariatric Surgery (BABS) study. Specifically, in a cohort of middle-aged obese patients in Austria who underwent laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric… Read more »