Posts By: chirolane

Chiropractic Care May Boost Strength, Muscle Function, And Prevent Fatigue 07105 NEWARK Chiropractic Care May Boost Strength, Muscle Function, And Prevent Fatigue New research into the effects of chiropractic care suggests that it may have an important role to play in maximising sporting performance and aid recovery from a range of conditions where muscle function has been compromised. The New Zealand College of… Read more »

Washing Dishes by Hand Linked to Fewer Allergies 07105 NEWARK Washing Dishes by Hand Linked to Fewer Allergies Washing dishes by hand, rather than in a dishwasher, may help prevent allergies in children, a new Swedish study has found. In addition, the study suggests that consuming fermented or farm-bought food could decrease the likelihood of allergies further. The study, published online February 23… Read more »

Long-term Multivitamin / Mineral Use Linked to Women’s Improved Heart Health 07105 NEWARK Long-term Multivitamin / Mineral Use Linked to Women’s Improved Heart HealthDespite research suggesting that multivitamins do little for reasonably well-fed Americans, the question is not settled say researchers from the National Institutes of Health.A new analysis of deaths from heart disease over more than 20 years finds that women who took… Read more »

Napping Restores Immune System After Sleep Deprivation 07105 NEWARK chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comNapping Restores Immune System After Sleep Deprivation Simply taking a couple of naps may counteract the impact of a sleep-restricted night on stress and immune markers, a finding that could potentially benefit night and shift workers or other chronically sleep-deprived populations, the results of a French study indicate.Brice Faraut, PhD, from the… Read more »

Going Gluten-Free? 07105 NEWARK Going Gluten-Free?Before YOU switch to a Gluten-Free diet, ask yourself: Is gluten-free a smart move if you’re one of the 93 percent to 98.5 percent of folks who can process gluten without problems? And if you do need to go gluten-free (around 1.5 percent to 7 percent of North Americans are gluten-sensitive… Read more »

U.S. Government Outlines The Foods Most Prone To Pathogens 07105 NEWARK U.S. Government Outlines The Foods Most Prone To PathogensMore than 80 percent of cases of a certain E. coli illness were linked to beef and vegetables grown in rows, according to a U.S. government report on Tuesday.Salmonella infections were traced to a wider variety of foods ranging from tomatoes and sprouts… Read more »

Alzheimer’s or Brain Diabetes? 07105 NEWARK chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comDr. Lane: This paper is very important in the fields of both diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease! Alzheimer’s or Brain Diabetes? A growing body of research suggests there’s a powerful connection between your diet and your risk of Alzheimer’s disease via similar pathways that cause type 2 diabetes.Back in 2005, a published medical… Read more »

Manipulation and Exercise for Back Related Leg Pain 07105 NEWARK Dr. Lane: This study is a very good opportunity for me to point out that chiropractic spinal manipulation is the best solution to resolving short-term back pain with or without leg pain. Manipulation and Exercise for Back Related Leg Pain The Study: Spinal manipulation and home exercise with advice for subacute and… Read more »

JAMA notes 227 Risky Medical Procedures for Seniors 07105 NEWARK JAMA notes 227 Risky Medical Procedures for Seniors Some common surgeries for seniors should be considered “high risk” and preceded by careful conversations about the potential harms, according to a new study listing 227 operations with high mortality rates.  The risks of surgery for older adults are generally understood, but establishing… Read more »

Older Adults: Double Your Protein Intake for Better Health 07105 NEWARK Older Adults: Double Your Protein Intake for Better HealthGive muscles what they crave to counteract the inevitable muscle loss that comes with age. Whether you’re running an Ironman or walking laps at the mall, current guidelines on protein intake just aren’t enough to keep you healthy – especially if you’re over 50.That’s… Read more »