Posts By: chirolane

Excessive GI Risks Exceed Cardiovascular Gains in Using Aspirin 07105 Excessive GI Risks Exceed Cardiovascular Gains in Using AspirinA new analysis based on a randomized trial suggests that all healthy middle-aged and older women should not be taking low-dose aspirin for primary prevention of CVD or colorectal cancer, since the risk of major gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding outweighs the prevention benefits.However, prophylactic therapy… Read more »

Hypertension, Medical Conditions Linked to Low Semen Quality 07105 Hypertension, Medical Conditions Linked to Low Semen Quality Medical comorbidities are linked to poor semen quality, suggesting that current health condition and genetic factors affect sperm production, according to findings of a cross-sectional study published online December 9 in Fertility and Sterility.“About 15 percent of all couples have fertility issues, and in… Read more »

Cigarettes Cause One-Third of U.S. Cancer Deaths 07105 Cigarettes Cause One-Third of U.S. Cancer Death Despite large declines in smoking rates, cigarettes still cause about one-third of cancer deaths in the United States, according to a new study. “Our results indicate that cigarette smoking causes about three in 10 cancer deaths in the contemporary United States. Reducing smoking prevalence as… Read more »

Estrogen Dominance Is A Problem! 07105 Estrogen is not a single hormone. It is a class of hormones and hormone like compounds that have estrogenic properties. There are human estrogens, animal estrogens, synthetic estrogens, phytoestrogens, and xenoestrogens. The three human estrogens are estradiol, estrone, and estriol, and belong to the steroid hormone family. “Estrogen dominance” is a term coined… Read more »

Watercress is Amazing! 07105 chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comWatercress is Amazing!Turns out that, per calorie, watercress delivers the maximum amount of nutrients, earning what the Aggregate Nutrient Density Index considers a perfect 1,000. One cup of watercress contains 4 calories, but delivers 106 percent of your daily value for vitamin K, 21 percent of vitamin A; 24 percent of vitamin C;… Read more »

KEY FACTS ABOUT THE CHIROPRACTIC PROFESSION 07105 chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comKEY FACTS ABOUT THE CHIROPRACTIC PROFESSIONAmerican Chiropractic Association1701 Clarendon Blvd. – Ste 200, Arlington, VA 22209www.acatoday.orgBy the Numbers• There are 77,000 Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) in the United States who are required to pass a series of four national board exams and be state licensed.Roughly another 3,000 DCs work in academic and management roles.•… Read more »

Why Do Human Children Stay Small For So Long? 07105 chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comFascinating article about child growth and the impact on the brain!  Please read and enjoy!–  Dr. LaneWhy Do Human Children Stay Small For So Long?Why does it take so long for human children to grow up? A male chimp and male human, for example, both end up with the same body weight but… Read more »

Fruit Juice is not as good as REAL fruit! 07105 Fruit Juice is not as good as REAL fruit!Fruit juice is not the nice, healthy treat we have been told it is! It turns out it’s not (we repeat, NOT!) a good way to get your daily servings of fruit! In fact, you should consider it an added sugar! One 12-ounce glass… Read more »

Shoulder Impingement: The Keys to Dealing With Swimmer’s Shoulder (reprint) 07105 Shoulder Impingement: The Keys to Dealing With Swimmer’s Shoulder Matt Fontaine WITH THE RIGOROUS TRAINING VOLUME OF COMPETITIVE SWIMMING, the body often suffers from accumulation of load, which can develop into a repetitive strain injury. The repetitive motion is the cause of chronic irritation to soft tissue. This irritation creates friction and… Read more »

Beetroot Juice Lowers Blood Pressure in Hypertensives 07105 chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comBeetroot Juice Lowers Blood Pressure in HypertensivesDietary nitrate in the form of daily beetroot juice significantly reduced elevated blood pressure compared with placebo in hypertensive patients over 4 weeks, a randomized phase 2 trial showed.Dr Vikas Kapil (Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK) and colleagues observed significant reductions… Read more »