Posts By: chirolane

You Need to Sleep More For Your Health 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK You Need to Sleep More For Your Health A new study shows that insomnia and sleep deprivation (getting five or fewer hours of sleep nightly) increase the risk of having a heart attack by 69%. What’s the cause? Studies in the lab show that chronic stress and increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol… Read more »

Scientific Advances and Dietary Measures to Slow Down Aging 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Scientific Advances and Dietary Measures to Slow Down Aging Spectacular progress is being made in slowing down aging, with three new molecular indicators of measurable and manageable processes that accelerate or slow down deterioration associated with age, as well as age-related pathologies. These findings are closer than ever to being applied in older adults…. Read more »

Is It Heartburn or Something Else? 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Is It Heartburn or Something Else? What Heartburn Feels Like You get this problem when stomach acid moves into a tube called the esophagus, which carries food from your mouth to the stomach. When that happens, you could have a burning pain in your chest. Your throat might burn, and you could have a… Read more »

High Caffeine Levels Linked to Lower Body Fat, Diabetes Risk 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK High Caffeine Levels Linked to Lower Body Fat, Diabetes Risk Having a higher level of caffeine in your blood could reduce body fat and the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a new study published in BMJ Medicine. Although additional research is needed, the findings open possibilities about the role that calorie-free caffeinated… Read more »

Early Exercise Intervention Improves Knee Osteoarthritis 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Early Exercise Intervention Improves Knee Osteoarthritis Initiating exercise therapy early on in people who develop symptoms of knee osteoarthritis — even within their first year of pain or reduced function — is associated with modestly lower pain scores and modestly better function than in those whose symptoms have lasted longer, according to a study presented at… Read more »

New treatment for enlarged prostate — if you realize the benefits (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK New treatment for enlarged prostate — if you realize the benefits By Michael Roizen, M.D. on Mar 23, 2023 About 50% of men ages 51 to 60 have an enlarged prostate — known as benign (meaning it’s not cancer) prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. By age 70 and older, it hits 80%. A lot of guys think… Read more »

Conquering constipation (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Conquering constipation (Roizon article) Around 2.5 million folks in the U.S. see a doctor each year because they’re constipated. And in 2021, Americans spent $1.68 billion dollars on laxatives! The money is flowing a lot better than many folks’ bowels, that’s for sure. Constipation means that you have fewer than three bowel movements a… Read more »

Sudden Health Problems After 50 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Sudden Health Problems After 50 One Minute You’re Fine … When you’re past 50, some ailments can announce themselves suddenly and painfully. And aches and ouches you might not worry much about when you’re younger could be a sign of bigger problems in middle age. Heart Attack This is the big one: 735,000 people… Read more »

Skin Care Products That May Not Work 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Skin Care Products That May Not Work Anti-Cellulite Lotion Lotion is a moisturizer that can hydrate your skin. This can make it look smoother. An anti-cellulite product with caffeine may tighten the surface of your skin for a little while. This can make your cellulite harder to see, but it doesn’t get rid of… Read more »

Lower Prostate Cancer Risk With Plant-Based Diet Plus Exercise 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Lower Prostate Cancer Risk With Plant-Based Diet Plus Exercise A new study confirms that a plant-based diet with exercise can lower the risk of prostate cancer progressing or recurring. The findings, which were reported at the 2023 ASCO Genitourinary Cancers Symposium in February, are based on a study of 2,038 men (median age, 64… Read more »