Posts By: chirolane

For Beautiful Hair, Feed it Right

For Beautiful Hair, Feed it Right Of course you care how your hair looks. Who doesn’t? Ever since humans emerged from caves, we’ve used our hair to broadcast two messages: “I’m healthy and powerful” and “Hello, honey, how about it?” Some politicians get elected just because of it — or don’t for the lack of… Read more »

Grapefruit: clearing your arteries with a bitter friend

I used to be fascinated that next to mangoes, grapefruit have the second highest level of sugar.  Sugar is sweet I would recall but “sugar” is a chemical term and just because grapefruit are sour-tasting doesn’t mean they don’t have loads of sugar.  It turns out that the bitter-tasting chemical is a real artery- clearer!… Read more »

Iron Deficiency Linked to Psychiatric Disorders in Kids Iron Deficiency Linked to Psychiatric Disorders in Kids Children and adolescents with iron deficiency anemia (IDA) are at increased risk for psychiatric disorders, including depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, and autism, new research shows. “When encountering those with IDA in clinical practice, prompt iron supplementation should be considered to prevent possible psychiatric sequelae,… Read more »

Excess Weight Linked to Poor Rheumatoid Arthritis Outcomes Weight Linked to Poor Rheumatoid Arthritis Outcomes MADRID, Spain — One of the papers presented at the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) Congress 2013 (June 12 – 15, 2013) noted that overweight patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have worse cases of the disease, lower rates of having the RA resolve or improve, and are… Read more »

Age-related weight gain doesn’t have to happen! Gaining weight with age often occurs so gradually — the rule seems to be a pound a year. But 20 years equals 20 pounds. Yikes! Don’t resign yourself to it. Dr. Lane suggests that there are six things that have the biggest impact on weight gain as you age. Prepare to be surprised.  1. Potatoes…. Read more »

Low Back Pain May be Due to Infection! Chronic LBP?- Maybe it’s a disc infection. This topic is explored in a complex paper from The European Spine Journal that states that 40% of patients with chronic low back pain ( LBP) may have anaerobic infections of the nucleus pulposus (a jelly-like substance that sits between your vertebrae and act as a shock absorber).  These changes… Read more »

Wash Your Hands – there may be BPA on them!

Do What Mom Says:Wash Your Hands – there may be BPA on them!         Bisphenol-A (BPA, for short) is an endocrine disruptor—meaning it disrupts your normal endocrine activities. In the case of BPA, it is found commonly–like in 98%– of food can linings, and in over 75% of fast food, gas station and restaurant receipts… Read more »

The Study That Caused Dr. Lane to Add Yoga to his Practice!

Yoga for Low Back Pain Relief:Alternative No Longer A growing number of medical professionals are finding that yoga can provide relief for some low back pain sufferers. Within the past few years, findings from well- designed, peer-reviewed studies have begun to move the practice of yoga beyond the category of alternative therapy.  One widely cited… Read more »

Three Simple Steps To Keep Your Bones Strong Three Simple Steps To Keep Your Bones Strong Calcium is essential for your bones, as well as for your muscles. For those who do not know that second fact, calcium and potassium going in and out of muscles allow muscles to contract and your to move. Truth is, most of us don’t get enough… Read more »