Posts By: chirolane

Dirty Dozen: Produce With Most Pesticides Dirty Dozen: Produce With Most Pesticides Here’s the list of the 12 fruits and vegetables that had the worst overall pesticide scores as noted by the Environmental Working Group: Apples Celery Strawberries Peaches Spinach Nectarines (imported) Grapes (imported) Sweet bell peppers Potatoes Blueberries (domestic) Lettuce Kale/collard greens Clean 15: Produce With the Least Pesticides… Read more »

Onions, Garlic, and Leeks Are Your Friends, Garlic, and Leeks are your friends (sorry NSA, that was not LEAKS)You have friends where you least expect them: pungent or subtle, earthy or spicy … garlic, onions and other members of the allium family are staples in every top kitchen. They should be in yours, too, because these flavor enhancers are buddies with your… Read more »

Four Paths to Health Paths to HealthHere’s what you need to do: 1. Don’t smoke. And if you do, quit.  This has to have been the greatest joke on the world: cigarette companies started the interest in smoking by putting them in the rations of soldiers in WW 2.  The young men came home with the habit and then… Read more »

Thank Goodness You’re Here: Its about Gratitude

Thank Goodness You’re Here: Its about Gratitude Ever wish you and your partner felt closer? Want to relight the fires of love, morning, noon and (especially) night? Just adopt gratitude as your attitude. Gratitude can work better than Viagra at boosting romance. Let’s assume you’re in a committed relationship. Try this together: Each night, write… Read more »

Drink Coffee, Live Longer

Drink Coffee, Live Longer Love that java? Can’t break your morning date with joe? Young Dr. Lane knows how you feel. That’s why we’re excited (no, it’s not the caffeine, just the good news) to report even more data that indicates coffee could be saving your life, if you drink it right. By right, we mean… Read more »

Taking the Burn Out of Heartburn

Hi readers!  I rarely reprint a Drs. Oz and Roizen posting so close to the date of the original publication but this one had a few elements I wanted to get out earlier than usual.  We hear a lot about obesity and we can see many people with this problem just by looking around at… Read more »

“What Can A Chiropractor Do For That?”

“What Can A Chiropractor Do For That?”         “I was golfing a month ago (or, at least trying to…) and I hit the ground too hard and felt a jolt in my neck.  Since then, I can’t turn my head to the right, my right arm is numb, and I can’t sleep through the night.  I… Read more »

Running and Low Back Pain

Running and Low Back Pain        Have you ever noticed every time you go running, you have lower back pain either during or after the run? If so, I’m sure you’re wondering if you should quit running, find an alternative sport, or simply stop all activity and adopt a sedentary lifestyle.  If you… Read more »

Preventing Alzheimer’s with B Vitamins

Preventing Alzheimer’s with B Vitamins In the News– May  2013- The National Academy of Sciences is reporting on promising research from Oxford University which may hold out great hope for patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The authors show that a select group of AD patients, namely those with high homocysteine levels, appear to benefit greatly from… Read more »

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Risky Jobs

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Risky Jobs         Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or CTS, is one of many “repetitive strain injuries” or RSI’s and it’s one of the most common work place injuries, second only to low back pain!  The term “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome” was first used in 1939 and since the 1950’s, this disabling overuse injury… Read more »