Brain Pills That Work

Brain Pills That Work

Wouldn’t it be nice if savvy scientists invented a mental Viagra to give your brain a lift? Several so-called memory management drugs look promising, but why wait? We YOU Docs think you’d be smart to make a pre-emptive strike. Here are our top memory-savers: 


Why? The arteries of people who take 162 mg of aspirin a day have a 40 percent slow-down in arterial aging, the major cause of memory loss. Aspirin also may help prevent gunk from building up on your mental wiring. 

Who and how much? Men over 35 and women over 40, if your doc agrees, can take 162 mg (two baby aspirin or half a regular aspirin) morning and night. Have a half a glass of warm water before and after to lower the risk of stomach irritation. 


Why? Your neurotransmitters — chemicals that ferry messages around your brain — need B vitamins to run efficiently. 

Who and how much? Men and women over 18, can take 40 mg of B-6, 800 mcg of B-12, and 400 mcg of folic acid daily. (Count what’s in your multi, and don’t take too much.) 

3. DHA OMEGA-3s 

Why? About 60 percent of our brains are fat, and 50 percent of that is DHA. DHA keeps brain cells young and does repair work. People with mild memory decline saw their brains become three years younger after taking 900 mg a day for just six months. 


The YOU Docs — Mike Roizen and Mehmet Oz