Break Free of Fear

Break Free of Fear

Fear and anxiety can make you feel paralyzed.

All of us at times are consumed by worry? If it keeps you awake at night, interferes with concentration, leads to anxiety, and occupies more than 5% of your waking hours, you have a problem.  It might help to know you are not alone; many people are plagued by consistent feelings of worry or anxiety.

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What you need to understand is that if you are prone to worry – you can stop. Your life may depend on it. It is possible to re-program your brain so that you can stop all this needless worry and get on with living a happy, worry free life.
How you ask? Here are a few simple suggestions:
  • Stay in the present.  Remember that your head should always be where your feet are located. Worry is always a negative projection about the future; something you either know nothing about or have little control over.  Worrying does not change that.
  • Worry is a learned behavior that can be unlearned.  You can learn to change your thoughts.  It takes discipline, but gets easier with practice. When you find yourself ruminating repeatedly on the same topic, just make yourself think about something else.
  • Stay in the day! “One day at a time” is an excellent expression because it describes the way we are supposed to live. Chiropractors talk about present time consciousness (PTC) which is our goal of being completely present with each patient for the duration of the time we are with them.  We can all try to accomplish this in our everyday lives.
  • What if I know it’s bad? If you are able to foresee some terrible event, decide whether there is something you can do to change it or make it have less of an impact. If there is, then take action. If there isn’t, accept what’s coming and move on. Worrying only makes it loom larger in your mind and robs you of peace and happiness.
You’ve heard it said, “You are your own worst enemy.” This is certainly true when it comes to worry. Worry causes stress and stress weakens your immune system, making you susceptible to illness. Make sure you stay current with your chiropractic care to help you manage your stress and keep your immune system functioning at its peak potential.

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