Posts Categorized: Disease prevention

Even Modest Weight Gain Can Harm Blood Vessels Even Modest Weight Gain Can Harm Blood Vessels.  Adding as little as 9 pounds of extra fat, specifically in the abdomen, increases the risk of developing endothelial cell dysfunction. Endothelial cells line the blood vessels and control the ability of the vessels to expand and contract. For those who gained weight in their abdomens, even… Read more »

Study Reveals How Cranberry Juice Helps Urinary Tract Infections Reveals How Cranberry Juice Helps  Urinary Tract Infections          If you’ve had a urinary tract infection (UTI), you’ve probably heard all about the home remedy: cranberry juice.  For years, it was nothing but an “old wive’s tale” without any scientific proof.  Now, cranberry juice is widely accepted to fight the bacteria that causes UTIs…… Read more »

Drink Coffee, Live Longer Drink Coffee, Live Longer Love that java? Can’t break your morning date with joe? Young Dr. Mike knows how you feel. That’s why we’re excited (no, it’s not the caffeine, just the good news) to report even more data that indicates coffee could be saving your life, if you drink it right.  By… Read more »