Coffee is good for your digestion 07105

Have a cup of coffee. For 30 to 40 percent of the population, calmer movement of food through the intestines can be set in motion by a cup of black, filtered coffee. That’s right. Besides keeping your blood vessels flexible and lowering your stroke risk by 30 percent, Joe’s laxative effect can keep you regular. 

First, coffee’s acidity can stimulate your stomach to produce more gastric acid, which helps break down proteins and aids digestion. Then it increases the amounts of the hormones gastrin and cholecystokinin that your body produces. These two help with the whole digestive passage, including acting as stimulants of smooth muscle contraction (peristalsis). 

So the next time you’re slow to go, pour yourself a cup of Joe. And for the 88 percent of you who are fast caffeine metabolizers (you can down 12 ounces in an hour without getting a headache or anxiety), two to three cups of brewed caffeinated coffee a day increase brain focus and muscle endurance and reduce inflammation; and they deliver heart-loving phenols (they’re in decaf, too) that can decrease your risk of nine cancers by over 10 percent and help you dodge, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and Type 2 diabetes. 


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