Dr. Lane’s Thoughts IV

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1) If you make the important decision to go to the gym (“the best way to be selfish”) you should go there with all your concentration.

a) You must enrich yourself by concentrating on your workout to maximize the results.  This means leaving your phone in your locker or car.

Put away your phone.  You can live without it for an hour.  No one who needs to reach you can’t wait for an hour.  You don’t need to reach anyone for one hour.  

If you are talking on the phone you are not paying attention to your workout.  

Music is a great way to give you a rhythm for your workout or a driving beat to push you to the next level, so get yourself a music player.  The music on your phone ultimately means you have your phone with you and the bad habits will happen.

2) Privacy on the internet?  For all those people affected by Ashley Madison’s data release, all I can say is, “did you really think you would be guaranteed privacy?”.

The internet is not private and never will be!  Your IP address is always known (your location) and your MAC address (the unique identifier of the very phone, tablet, laptop, or PC/Apple you use) is trackable. Everything you do on the internet can be found out and the information released by any person who knows how to access the information from the many servers that house your data, move your data, transfer your data, and so on.  It does not matter that you told a website to “delete your data” – that information can be accessed given enough incentive.

If you want to cheat or lie, do it with pride!  You will always be found out, discovered, or made to answer for it so you had better be ready to explain it or not care if someone else learns it.

Yes, every stupid statement or decision you make from your earliest introduction to email at 10 to your latest mistake on a porn website is public access to a person who knows where to look.

3) You can identify risk factors for cognitive problems sooner in your life and eliminate them! High blood pressure is a big problem area: One study found that 17 percent of dementia cases result from untreated or ineffectively treated midlife hypertension! 

Also, if your glucose level is 115 mg/dL (prediabetes), your risk of developing cognition problems jumps 18 percent; full-blown diabetes increases the risk 40 percent! So check your blood pressure and glucose levels with your doctor. And, as always, get rid of what Dr. Mehmet Oz calls “the Five Food Felons” [saturated fats, trans fats, added sugars, syrups and any grains that aren’t 100% whole. Saturated fats include most four-legged animal fat, milk fat, butter, lard, two-legged animal skin, palm oil and coconut oil.], eat 5-9 servings of fruits and veggies daily, get in as much exercise as possible and learn to manage stress and practice a stress management technique daily. 

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