Dr. Lane’s Thoughts LXVIII

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Dr. Lane’s Thoughts LXVIII

1) I live with people who state (claim?) that they suffer from ‘anxiety’ – what I refer to as “The sword and the Shield” of medical issues.  I have come to call it this because it is the reason and the defense for all of their worst behaviors;  nothing can be or will ever be their ‘fault’ because they have ‘anxiety and cannot control it’.

In this world, you are never responsible for any action because you have ‘an anxiety disorder’.  It is the ‘get out of jail free” card of social interaction.  Even if it is your power you use it only on people who you can bother with it – strangers are off-limits because they cannot be manipulated.  If you are called out on it you use your ‘power’ to shame others for ‘not caring’ about you and your ‘disorder’.

Is it anxiety or is it some other name: stress, lack of sleep, or the myriad of other names for any of the other daily concerns that you can state manifest in you to discourage or diminish your responsibility to act appropriately in social situations.

One anxiety disorder person I know was told by her therapist to inform her mother and father ‘so that they will know” – I can only speculate that this was to offer her more support.  Support for what was never explained but since a therapist works for their patient and not for the world that the patient lives in / inflicts themselves on it must be so that this person has a ‘medical excuse’ for bad behavior or poor choices.  The sword and the shield.

She demands that windows be opened so she ‘can breathe’ and no one wears colognes or perfumes or uses any cleaning supplies because ‘ they cause her migraines’ and no food choices can be made unless she is consulted because ‘they can affect her health’ and the list goes on.

I grew up as a kosher Jew.  I was taught to not affect other people in my life by making any request to be accommodated for food.  The rule was to ‘eat around’ what our Jewish laws of eating told us to avoid.  it was never the fault or issue of the other person to take care of us.  You can imagine how I feel to be given a list of ‘request/demand’ from anyone who isn’t dying of an auto-immune disorder – I do not like it.  In the end, I do what I can to ‘keep the peace’.

I recall as a child that my twin brother had the disease (a parvovirus) called mumps.  I showed no symptoms but the pediatrician stated that I must have had it also because he had it and we shared a bedroom; proximity equaled exposure to the disease. 

I have been informed that I must also have ‘some kind’ / ‘any kind’ of emotional/mental disorder because ‘everyone does’ but the people who suggest this idea are the ones who have ‘the sword and shield’ of anxiety.

At this point I think that we all need to step back and think about this diagnosis; frankly, ask ourselves ‘who benefits’ from this anxiety disorder?  

Who gives this diagnosis? Therapists and psychologists and psychiatrists: people who benefit financially from having more patients to treat.  They prescribe medications because they do not know how to help people who ‘suffer’ from their anxiety response to daily life.

Nothing has actually happened to these people – they just respond in a typical way to typical events that they have now given a name to – a name that they can now use as their sword and their shield to never be responsible for what they demand from others nor can they be asked to perform any actions because they ‘have anxiety.’

I have made the suggestion that the patients themselves benefit because they have a ready-made excuse for everything they do in life; they are never responsible for their behavior because they ‘have a disease/condition’.

I conclude with a thought: do these ‘anxious’ people enjoy each others’ company?  Do they find comfort being around people like themselves or is it like a virus where they feel compelled to inflict themselves on the ‘healthy’? Most mentally-ill people I know really do not like the company of others like themselves – I ascribe this to not being the only demanding person in the room and, therefore, not the center of attention.

2) We should always assume that no matter how much we want to state that we stand for something, no matter how benign or innocuous, someone will interpret the worst version of our intent and say that this is our message (and nothing else).

So now you are demanding that I use examples and be clear; that is always a good idea.

BLACK LIVES MATTER.  Actual intent of the message:  Black people do have lives equal to White people and deserve to be seen as a people deserving of dignity and respect by others.  Simple message and one worthy of understanding.

How other people hear it: Black people only care about themselves and demand attention far out of proportion to their numbers as well as being given carte blanche to do destruction and mayhem to others in the pursuit of this attention.

COWS CAUSE METHANE PRODUCTION: Actual intent of the message:  This methane production from the gaseous emissions of cattle is a problem that may impact on our environment and needs to have attention brought to it to seek solutions.

How people hear it: These climate scientists hate cows and are anti-dairy, anti-meat (possibly vegetarians) and hate the small farmer.

TRUMP COMMITTED CRIMES. Actual intent of the message:  This former POTUS has committed crimes that need to be settled in a court of law; no one is above the law no matter how rich or how powerful.

How people hear it:  Anarchy, the people bringing these charges want to destroy our country, this is just a political witch hunt, Trump never did any of these things, these people are jealous of his success and intelligence.
3) The problem most people have with the motor vehicle agencies in their state are the long waits and the ignorance of the staff.  The staff do not seem to have to be trained to do their job and it would seem that that they learn on the job, usually badly.
I am a chiropractor (DC) in NJ .  I am allowed to do this FEDERAL DOT Medical exam in my state but chiropractors are not allowed to do this exam in many other states.  What this means is that my exam can be done on any CDL holder in any state in the USA but if I had my office in another state (NY comes to mind) I would not be allowed to do it.  For this exam and my degree, practicing in some states would not be allowed but in my state (NJ) I am allowed.
The training to do this exam as a certified medical examiner is a difficult national exam much like a board exam in a medical field that you have to take while you are in training to become a doctor, dentist, nurse, PA and so on.
I think that we are all on-board with what I wrote here: in NJ it is ok for me to do this exam on any state license in the US.  If I was in one of the states where DC is not allowed, I could not do it.
I periodically get phone calls from CDL holders in NY where their DMV (called a MVC in NJ) is not letting them renew their license because I (a NJ DC) did the exam because “it is not allowed to be done by a chiropractor”.  It is certainly allowed but just not in NY if I was a chiropractor.
Clearly, the staff person doesn’t know their job but that does not stop them from making it hard for the CDL holder to get his license renewed.  A supervisor at the DMV has to be brought in and the problem is solved but only after a long hassle for the driver.  It is doubtful that the supervisor informs or instructs the counter employee.  I speculate that the counter person will be insulted and demand ‘their rights’ to not be ‘hurt’ or ‘insulted’ by their supervisor instructing them in the proper knowledge of this medical card and who can perform it.  I am sure that the counter person demands a union representative be brought in to ‘protect their rights’ as well, even though the whole staff at the DMV are union members and no one was writing them up for what they didn’t know (nor for the many times in the future when this same scenario will be repeated).
4) The following lifestyle behavioral factors are the ones that matter for the longest and healthiest life:
  • Not smoking;

  • Regular physical activity;

  • Healthy weight;

  • Healthy diet;

  • Healthy sleep (defined as an average of 7-9 hours nightly);

  • Blood pressure in a healthy range:

  • Blood glucose in a healthy range; and

  • Non-HDL cholesterol in a healthy range.

5) In life we have to deal with ‘collateral benefits’ and ‘collateral damage’: what these words mean can only be explained by examples.

I write about these topics because of a researcher who I read about who is adamant that race-based financial aide decisions work against poor White kids to favor well-off non-White kids.  He states that all financial aid decisions should be based on income only and not skin color.
He has a point if the the only goal of financial aid was ensuring that poor kids get a chance to get an education.  This is simply not the case; aid decisions are also meant to diversify a student population from mostly-White to a population that is a range of skin colors and backgrounds and that sometimes means that affluent non-White are rewarded by aid packages that make their attendance inevitable.  Hence, ‘collateral benefit’ of the decision to make racial background a criteria rewards a kid who’s parents could afford to send him anywhere because cost was not a limiting factor in his decision.
What about collateral damage?  I return to one of my ‘favorite’ topics (which is to say that I have written about it before) which is the rise of diversification in the workforce that began in the 1960s where underrepresented people (e.g. not White Men, who had all the best jobs and best pay because they were both White and Male) such as women, minorities, and, soon, the ‘other-abled’ (what is the proper term for people who use wheelchairs and other enabling devices?).  They were encouraged to try for job that were in workplaces under government mandate to include them.
This meant that the labor pool increased substantially for the same job and businesses had to respond by increasing their hiring of people other than White males.  The ‘collateral damage’ was that salaries went down substantially (and they have never recovered) because people took these jobs even at a lower pay (if they didn’t take the job some other person would take it – desperate times demand desperate responses).  My father in 1963 had 6 kids on his salary in Buffalo, NY working for the State Teachers College (changed to SUNY College of Buffalo and, today, called Buffalo State University).  Upon his death he was replaced with 5 people and I doubt if those people could afford to have families that large because that pay was now devalued to something unlivable because it was split 5 ways.
It was a business decision to pay people less because the same level of quality could be ‘purchased’ with a lower cost. “It’s just business” – a line popularized by gangster movies – does mean that it is not personal and that costs do factor into decisions made for the good of the enterprise.  The lower salaries (damage) were the result of a larger labor pool (a social good).
There are so many more of these ‘collateral’ problems: better life-saving techniques mean more people are living longer and that puts a strain on our social programs, increased immigration due to refugee issues puts more strain on our social programs, increased food production puts chemicals into our water systems, increased need for energy makes the need for electricity dependent on unreliable systems (solar and wind) and ones with dangerous side-effects (nuclear power), improved antibiotics save lives but create a need for ever-improved weapons as the lifeforms that cause these medical issues grow immune to the ones in use.
The worst is the need for housing that puts more people into smaller spaces and increase pollutions of air, water, and soil and that leads to skin, digestive and mental problems as people try to adapt with body systems that cannot keep up with such rapid demands.
The only answer is to navigate what you are presented with and do your best to both be aware of what dangers are coming at you and negotiate your best opportunities to gain the most and harm the least even if that is at the detriment of others.  What other choice do you have?
6) I has dawned on me a certain (might I say?) GENIUS of Trump – he did something no other candidate has done in the US in my remembered history.  Perhaps FDR did something similar but nothing like what Trump did for his followers: he gave them PURPOSE.  He didn’t tell them to sit still and let him lead, he told them to rise up and do something and he would lead them!
Other people in office have said to their constituents “let me do this and I will try to do what you want me to do” to various levels of capability.  Trump, on the other hand, has made it clear that he wants his followers to “do something for America”.  He gave them permission to ‘act out’ and perform insurrections, protest, march, be hateful and weird and he told them that this was a good way to behave.
Trump made it a reasonable personal decision to make the USA ‘your way’ – and his followers took this permission and made themselves vocal – an America with them and no (take your pick – Democrats or Jews, or Blacks, etc.) your America was for you and let your fantasy run wild!.  Trump let his followers know he gave them permission to reshape America and ‘make it great again’ ‘their way’ and not just with words but with violence, referring to himself as their ‘retribution’ and stating that his indictment (on 34 felony counts) as leading to “potential death and destruction.”  Nixon (who was still in office at the time) got in legal trouble and never told his followers to create trouble.
Trump took able-bodied men and women and told them to fight his ‘political persecution’—aimed not just at him, but at the entire MAGA movement. “WE MUST SAVE AMERICA!” he shout-posted on his ‘Truth Social’. “PROTEST, PROTEST, PROTEST!”  He raises the bar of political theater to “Trump or Death”.  Have we ever seen a candidate and former politician in the US formerly tell his followers to die for him?
When I mentioned FDR as doing something similar I only meant to show that the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and Civilian Works Administration (CWA) and other programs that took unemployed Americans and put them to work which both gave them money and purpose.  These programs contributed to save America.  They also called on able-bodied people but it was for both their own good and the public good and, without a doubt, it succeeded very well on both counts.
Trump only used his leadership to permit his followers to attempt to destroy America.  It didn’t happen. I am grateful.

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