Dr. Lane’s Thoughts LXXVIII

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Dr. Lane’s Thoughts LXXVIII

1) Advice: don’t cheap out on batteries!  I have a key fob for my car (like many of you) and the batteries kept wearing out quickly.  Up to recently, I bought my batteries from the cheapest place possible because I figured that they are all the same.  


I finally bought some new DURACELL from AMAZON and, so far, its been 2 weeks and the key fob hasn’t needed to have the battery replaced.  By the way, the ones that failed were good until 2025.  OK, sure.

2)  I may have written this before but here I write it again: the conservative agenda of TRUMP and his minions is simple to understand if you get the WHITE MALES ONLY ideal that they are striving to return to.

That is it.  Just that idea.

The people who can listen to the lies of TRUMP and either truly believe them (or just feel it is not necessary to question them) are people who hold on to a thought that the world would be better if it returned to a White Male Supremacy.  

The world as it was until about 1968 when both women and underrepresented groups began to demand something better for themselves and their families.

What about the few Black and Brown people and the women who throw their hearts into also supporting TRUMP?  These are people we can call the ‘white-adjacent’ people – those who have lives improved by being in the proximity of the White Man who’s ascendency (or return to ascendency) will bring them along as well.  Specifically, business owners who offer jobs, politicians who offer sycophant jobs; just the kind of things that they hope will keep the eyes off of them as long as they ‘play along’ with the White man’s fantasy of invincibility.

You can think hard about this or you can use your recent memories of TRUMP as he praised the White European immigrants but condemned the ‘illegal’ immigration of Brown, Black, and Asians who come across our Southern border.

Can you tell me one leader (or Fascist or  Dictator – the ones he likes the best) who he favors who is Brown or Black?  Or one woman leader he was not afraid of?

His real motto should be “MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN” (MAWA) since that is the America he liked best and the one he grew up in.  He learned his ‘Whites  only’ view of the world at his daddy’s knee (Fred, the misogynist racist) and it is the world he has liked best [This was also true of Ronald Reagan but he was of another era and I can’t speak to the views of a man who is dead].

It will always amaze me that anyone could conceive to vote against their own best interests.  Any person who is Black or Brown voting for TRUMP might as well be a Jew voting for Hitler.  This guy  professes to not see color but you can be assured that he has zero interest in assisting anyone who doesn’t look like him (White) and has his level of wealth.  Honestly, poor White people need not apply – he doesn’t like you either (he wants your vote, sure, but he also wants you to go away. And quickly).

Cubans will tell you that they vote for TRUMP because they believe that he is someone who will fight the communists in Cuba but it is really because they consider themselves superior to other Latin people – they consider themselves more ‘White’ than other Latin people (e.g. ‘White-adjacent’).  Trust me on this one – he hates you also.

There is also the issue that much of America is afraid of  – a woman President.  Kamala Harris is what they fear even more – Brown, smart, educated, and female.  

Worse, for so many, is her name is “KAMALA” (pronounced ‘Kom-ala’) – exotic and unusual.  Perhaps people need to see a ‘Dorothy’ or a ‘Jane’ to be put a little more at ease.  These people could barely accept ‘Barack’ but they made it through that so I have hope that her name will not ruin their daily lives.

People, including women, try and discuss what they dislike about her but it always comes to one thing: breasts.  She is a woman and they are afraid of women; mostly they are afraid of a BROWN woman.  They can barely stand having any woman in a position of power but moreso a BROWN woman.

Americans are afraid that Kamala will be too tough (not very ‘feminine’) and they are afraid that she will be too soft (i guess because she is a woman? Hard to call this one), they are afraid she will be too distracting (the world has had women leaders before; the USA will not be the first), and they are afraid that she will not be distracting enough (TRUMP in a meeting of world leaders was an oaf, a braggart, and and idiot too many times to count).

I am sure that some people reading this will take umbrage at my remarks.  They will read this and say, ‘no, I am not like that.  I actually like TRUMP’s policies’.

Yeah, sure.  Name one policy he has or one idea / policy he has suggested.  Like he said about changing the Affordable Care Act (aka ‘Obamacare’), “I have concepts about policies about changing it.”  That is just 8 words for ‘I have no idea about anything’.  Or maybe you just like an idiot in office – a White, Male, Idiot; the kind of idiots who have run this country and the kind of idiots you are comfortable seeing in office. 

If it is just the idiots you like and they don’t have to be White or male, how about we let the Brown and Black people into the club of idiots and the women too.  It is only fair and if it is one thing the USA is good about, it is letting more people into the elite clubs. Let them prove themselves to be the kind of idiots you like, regardless of color or gender.  You can still blame their color or their gender but at least let them sit as equals at the table of idiots.

3) At some point everyone has to realize two things in life; (1) your life is better than your parents’ life, (2) you have reached some of your goals so be happy for that, (3) this may be as far as you can go.  In any case, enjoy what you have and STFU.

4) Trump and his conspiracy theory about the election.  What a crock of shit!  The problem with his theory of ‘widespread’ corruption are many but the most outstanding points are these: (1) people in a conspiracy know that they are involved in some way, (2) for something to be a conspiracy the people in the conspiracy have to know that others are involved, (3) any person in the conspiracy could easily tell the authorities about the others, (4) each member of the conspiracy has to have the same common goal and know what the goal is; it can’t just be people without a purpose, (5) it can’t be a conspiracy if it just involves people going about their lives and doing their jobs and then calling that a ‘conspiracy’ – that is just called being a normal person living a normal life.

As far as this concerns the conspiracy to ‘steal the election’ from Trump it actually is the opposite: the Election Conspiracy is Trump’s DENIAL OF THE ELECTION RESULTS – that meets all the criteria of a conspiracy.

via Blogger https://bit.ly/3TRYbXU

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