Fiber Can Prevent Depressive Sadness 07105

Fiber Can Prevent Depressive Sadness

According to a study published in the journal Menopause, soluble and insoluble vegetable fibers boost positive neurotransmitter functioning, reducing your risk for depression. And the more high-fiber foods you eat, the more you lower your risk for the blues. The research suggests that it’s because eating fiber changes and improves your gut microbiome.

The researchers from South Korea say this is especially true for premenopausal women. They surmise that older women may get less of a mood-boost from fiber because once estrogen levels decline, the gut biome’s makeup changes. Then it takes more than fiber to keep your gut-brain connection on track.

To beat the blues (pre- or postmenopause) try exercise; stress reduction practices like yoga, meditation and tai chi; eating prebiotic and probiotic foods (nondairy yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, etc.); and taking probiotic supplements, in addition to eating a high-fiber diet.

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