Fluctuating Cholesterol, Triglycerides Tied to Increased Dementia Risk

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Fluctuating Cholesterol, Triglycerides Tied to Increased Dementia Risk

Fluctuating cholesterol and triglyceride levels in older adults are associated with a greater risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Alzheimer’s-related dementia (ADRD), a new study suggests.

Participants with the greatest variability in total cholesterol levels had a 19% increased risk for AD or ADRD within 12 years of baseline than those with stable levels. In addition, those with the highest variability in triglycerides had a 23% increased risk. The study did not differentiate between dementia types.

“Routine screenings for cholesterol and triglyceride levels are commonly done as part of the standard of medical care,” study investigator Suzette Bielinski, PhD, a genetic epidemiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, said in a press release.

“Fluctuations in these results over time could help us identify who is at greater risk of dementia, help us understand mechanisms for the development of dementia, and ultimately determine whether levelling out these fluctuations could play a role in reducing dementia risk,” she added.

The findings were published online July 5 in Neurology.

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