For Fat Loss, Low-fat Diets Beat Low-carb Diets 07105

For Fat Loss, Low-fat Diets Beat Low-carb Diets, new research finds

It is a central dogma of the low-carb lifestyle: that while avoiding carbohydrates will force the human body into fat-burning mode, any diet that fails to suppress insulin will trap body fat in place and thwart a dieter’s hope of shifting to a leaner, healthier body type.

But researchers from the National Institutes of Health have found that the hallowed creed of Atkins acolytes doesn’t hold up in the metabolic lab, where dieters can’t cheat and respiratory quotients don’t lie.

The authors of a study published Thursday in the journal Cell Metabolism conducted a high-tech throw-down pitting a carbohydrate-restricted diet against a weight-loss regimen that reduces dietary fat. Confined for a total of four weeks in an NIH metabolism lab, research subjects got equal calories in each condition (low carb, low fat, each for two weeks).

The subjects in each condition also had equally scant opportunities to cheat, shave or misremember what they ate. Night and day, machines measured not only how much fuel their bodies were burning, but what kind of fuel.

In the end, the obese subjects lost weight regardless of which diet they were on (and low-carb dieters lost a little over a pound more than did low-fat dieters over two weeks). But obese subjects on a low-fat diet lost more body fat than did those on a diet low in carbohydrates.

The differences were barely perceptible over a subject’s two-week stay in each of the two diet conditions. But the study’s authors devised a computer model and projected that over six months, subjects who stuck with a low-fat weight-loss diet would lose 6.5 pounds of body fat more than those who adhered to a diet that restricted carbs.

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