Improve Your Health With Gratitude 07105


Improve Your  Health With Gratitude

Ever wish you and your partner felt closer? Want to relight the fires of love, morning, noon and (especially) night? Just adopt gratitude as your attitude.

Gratitude can work better than Viagra at boosting romance. Let’s assume you’re in a committed relationship. Try this together: Each night, write down whether either of you did something thoughtful for the other. You’ll find that both of you feel more deeply connected and happier with the relationship when either one does something nice, whether you’re the giver or the receiver. And those positive, loving feelings don’t just kick in for a moment. They last from a day to as long as a month! This isn’t just opinion; it’s solid science.

Showing gratitude not only will make your partner want to please you (we won’t imagine how), but it can make others like you better, too. Openly grateful people are seen as more generous and helpful by friends and family. Who wouldn’t like that?

Beyond supercharging your love life, feeling thankful also can boost your health. Turns out that if you keep a gratitude journal, you’re also likely to exercise more, have fewer aches and pains, and feel more optimistic about life than if you ramble on about things that drive you crazy or don’t matter much. Even better, 15 minutes of daily gratitude can dramatically decrease stress hormones in your body. It’s a great way to make your RealAge younger.

We’re grateful you’ve read this far. I write three notes a night to say “thank you.” Try it — let your loved one know what makes you grateful. 

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