Magnesium – a Killer of a Deficiency 07105

Magnesium – a Killer of a Deficiency

The mineral Magnesium can be the one thing that can save someone from an instantaneous deadly heart attack. In fact, it could be the answer for an out of control arrhythmia.

Those having the lowest levels of magnesium had the highest risk of dying from a heart attack or a deadly arrhythmia while in the hospital.

Government studies prove the average diet provides less than a third of the mineral magnesium you need in a day and its deficiency is a major cause of sudden death with no other obvious medical problems.

Even diabetics are at risk of developing deadly complications due to a deficiency in magnesium. A respected medical study reported that 77% of diabetics were deficient in magnesium.

If your serum magnesium levels are shown to be high your doctor may assume everything is fine and lead you to believe their is nothing to worry about.

The problem is that as the magnesium inside the heart cell goes down, the body tries to compensate. So the serum magnesium actually goes up!
Do not accept that your magnesium levels are normal if your doctor has ordered the inferior “serum” magnesium test.

Unfortunately, the serum magnesium gives the unknowledgeable physician a sense of security when in fact they are clueless to the great harm they may be instilling on their patients.

The serum magnesium can actually be high or even too high, when at that same time your RBC magnesium (inside the heart cells) is so low you could have an instantaneous fatal heart attack.

This is an extremely important fact for you to know: the serum magnesium (called simply “magnesium” when you see your lab test) can actually be high or even too high, when at that same time your RBC magnesium (inside the heart cells) is so low you could have an instantaneous fatal heart attack.

When your “intracellular” mineral level of magnesium are low and you suffer a heart attack or an arrhythmia not even the easy access of a defibrillator or paddles can’t activate the heart back to life.

If you want to be certain your levels of magnesium are well within the normal range, insist that your doctor orders the most accurate magnesium test and that is the red blood cell (RBC) essential mineral test. 

If your MD or DO does not know, the RBC test can be ordered from or



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