Metformin Link to Vitamin B12 Deficiency, Neuropathy, in Diabetes 07105

Metformin Link to Vitamin B12 Deficiency, Neuropathy, in Diabetes

STOCKHOLM — Metformin-related vitamin B12 deficiency might contribute to clinically significant peripheral neuropathy in diabetes patients, new research suggests.

Guidelines from European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) and the American Diabetes Association do mention vitamin B12 deficiency as a risk of metformin treatment for type 2 diabetes, but they don’t make recommendations for screening or supplementation, said Mattijs Out, MD, an internist of vascular medicine at Bethesda Diabetes Research Center, Hoogeveen, the Netherlands, who presented the findings last week at the  European Association for the Study of Diabetes 2015 Meeting.

“This is important. The consequences of vitamin B12 deficiency, like neuropathy or mental changes, may be profound. Even more, they may be difficult to diagnose, because they may be ascribed to old age or diabetes itself and may be or become irreversible. On the other hand, vitamin B12 deficiency is relatively easy to diagnose, and treatment is easy, cheap, and effective,” Dr Out commented.
Previous research from Dr Out’s group and others has linked metformin use to vitamin B12 deficiency (<150 pmol/L), raising concern that the drug may be contributing to peripheral neuropathy separate from the effect of the diabetes itself.

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