Midday Napping Could Help Lower BP in Patients Treated for Hypertension

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Midday Napping Could Help Lower BP in Patients Treated for Hypertension

In a cohort of middle-aged patients with well-controlled hypertension, those who took a long midday nap appeared to have better blood-pressure control that their peers, in a new study. Specifically, patients who slept 60 minutes, typically after a midday meal, had an average 24-hour blood-pressure reading that was 4 mm Hg lower, and while they slept at night, they had a 2% greater dip in blood pressure. Moreover, they tended to use fewer blood-pressure medications.

Dr Manolis Kallistratos (Asklepieion Voula General Hospital, Athens, Greece) presented these findings from a Greek cohort of more than 300 men and women, in a poster here at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 2015 Congress.

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