Peak Fitness Lowers Lung, Colorectal Cancer Risk 07105


Peak Fitness Lowers Lung, Colorectal Cancer Risk

If you are a clinician in search of compelling evidence to convince sedentary patients — without or with cancer — to get away from their screens and into an exercise program, look no further.
Results from one of the most diverse retrospective cohort studies to date show that a high level of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) can reduce the risk of lung and colorectal cancer in some individuals.

The huge study involving more than 49,000 patients also looked at patients with cancer.
Reviewing data on participants in the Henry Ford Exercise Testing (FIT) Project in southeast Michigan from 1991 to 2009, researchers also found that participants with the highest CRF levels determined by treadmill stress testinghad dramatically lower rates of all-cause mortality after a diagnosis of either lung or colorectal cancer.
The study, led by Catherine Handy Marshall, MD, of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, was published online May 6 in Cancer.
Cancer. Published online May 6, 2019. Abstract

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