Probiotics Are Your Friends! 07105

Probiotics Are Your Friends!

What is a probiotic?
A probiotic is a supplement that contains “good” bacteria. These good bacteria are strains that our GI tract normally has. Often times there is an unbalance of good bacterial (normal flora) and bad bacteria (the kind that can make us sick). 

This unbalance is called dysbiosis, and sometimes is not even noticeable for days, weeks, months that we have an imbalance of the types of bacteria that normally reside in the gut. 

Other times, it could be just hours after eating spoiled food and when we become aware of food poisoning due to the severe symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, fatigue, etc.
What is in your probiotics?
Most over the counter (OTC) versions of probiotics contain 1-2 strains of bacteria, the most common being lactobacillus acidophilus. Not to pick on any name brands, but look at Culturelle or your store brand of probiotic. These contain the Lactobacillus strain

Align contains Bifidobacterium strain. There is a high probability that if you take a look at the inactive ingredient list you could see things like Magnesium stearate, titantium dioxide, artificial coloring, natural flavoring, modified food starch, autolyzed yeast extract, and many others. 

With all of the prescription drugs most people are taking, we have learned to overlook the majority of the ingredients. Those active ingredients that are “doing good” for us come with some hefty inactive ingredients that could be doing something harmful at the same time.
What can a probiotic help with?
There are lots of claims on the labels of OTC probiotics saying they help with digestion, bloating, excess gas. If you dig further into some of these claims online, you will see that many with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Chron’s, Celiac Disease have all found benefits from taking probiotics. Just because this works for them, it may not work for you, so you should be careful and be aware of what you are taking and how much. 

Probiotics work by enhancing digestion and absorption of food, improving motility and function of the GI tract, and allows you to naturally make B12 because it is the end result of bacterial fermentation (which is how most probiotics are made). If you have suffered from:

  1. 1) using a prescription drug
  2. 2) stress
  3. 3) poor diet (sugar, preservatives, fillers, processed foods, over eating, low fiber)
  4. 4) radiation or chemo therapies
  5. 5) high processed animal meats
  6. 6) slow GI motility

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