Resveratrol Does Not Reduce CVD Risk, Prolong Life

Dr. Lane’s thoughts: the source of resveratrol (mostly red wine and grapes) still is a good food source.  This study only suggests that it isn’t all miraculous, not that it will cause harm or be damaging to your body.

Resveratrol Does Not Reduce CVD Risk, Prolong Life

Long-term follow-up data of older individuals living in the Tuscany region of Italy suggest the polyphenol resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, grapes, and dark chocolate, does not increase longevity or reduce the risk of heart disease or cancer.

Resveratrol has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in vitro and in animal models and has been postulated to be behind the health benefits of red wine, but this latest study, published online May 12, 2014 in the Journal of the American Medical Association: Internal Medicine, casts large doubt on its health benefits.

“The results were initially surprising to us, but when we looked back at the literature, we realized that it was kind of a leap of faith to go from mice models and cellular work to supposing that resveratrol was going to extend lifespan in humans and protect against disease,” said lead investigator Dr Richard Semba (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD). “This is really the first time it’s been rigorously put to the test.”


In 2012, the research community involved in studying the health benefits of resveratrol were dismayed when Dr Dipak Das, at the time affiliated with the University of Connecticut and the director of its cardiovascular research center, found was  guilty of 145 counts of fabricating and falsifying data. In published papers, 19 of which were later retracted, Das, a long-time proponent of resveratrol and its cardiovascular benefits, asserted the compound was linked to heart health.
Das was fired from the University of Connecticut in May 2012 and promptly filed a $35-million lawsuit against the university, citing libel.
Das died, however, in 2013.

via Blogger