Science Reveals Link Between Gut Health and Exercise Motivation 07105

Science Reveals Link Between Gut Health and Exercise Motivation

Could gut health be behind a person’s motivation — or lack thereof — to exercise? 

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania recently explored this topic when they wanted to find out why some lab mice seem to love their exercise wheel, while others mostly ignore it. 

To start, the researchers used a machine-learning algorithm to look for biological traits that could explain the differences in activity levels among mice. And what they found surprised them: Genetics seemed to have little to do with it, but differences in gut bacteria appeared to matter more. A handful of studies backed that up: Thriving gut microbiomes have been linked with optimal muscle function in mice.

Sure enough, when the researchers dosed mice with broad-spectrum antibiotics, killing off their gut bacteria, the distance the rodents were able to run dropped by half. But off the antibiotics, the mice mostly regained their previous performance levels.

The findings, published in the journal  Nature  in December, suggest that the gut microbiome may help regulate the desire to exercise. 

To find out how, exactly, bacteria in the colon were signaling the brain, the researchers performed a series of experiments over several years. They identified two types of bacteria, Eubacterium rectale and Coprococcus eutactus. These strains produce compounds called fatty acid amides that interact with endocannabinoid receptors in the gut. 

Those endocannabinoid receptors signal the brain to cut back its production of monoamine oxidase, the compound that breaks down dopamine. With less of this dopamine-clearing compound in the brain, more dopamine could build up after a long run, making the mice feel good and eager to hit the exercise wheel again soon. 

This gut-brain pathway “may have evolved to couple the initiation of prolonged physical activity to the nutritional status of the gastrointestinal tract,” Thaiss says. Gut bacteria monitor what’s in your colon and tell your brain whether you have enough food to fuel a workout. 

The colon, or gut, hosts trillions of microbes with potentially hundreds of different bacteria strains. These strains are determined by the food we eat and the environment we occupy.

“The genetic impact on the microbiome is rather minor,” Thaiss says, “but lifestyle factors strongly impact the composition of the gut microbiome.”

He hopes to develop nutritional interventions to encourage the growth of the motivating types of bacteria, the kind that make a person want to go for a 5-mile run.


Christoph Thaiss, PhD, assistant professor of microbiology, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine.

Nicholas Betley, PhD, associate professor of biology, University of Pennsylvania.

Nature: “A microbiome-dependent gut–brain pathway regulates motivation for exercise.”

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