“Should I Take Acetaminophen for Back Pain?”

Q:  I have frequent back pain. I usually take acetaminophen (the Tylenol brand), but I hear it may not be effective for back pain. Is there anything to that?
A: The safest option is to try to get through the worst of your back pain without medication:
• Use cold compresses or an ice pack, not heat, immediately after an injury. About 48 hours after back pain hits, heat may be more helpful. The warmth soothes and relaxes aching muscles.
• Try to keep moving. A limited amount of activity is better than lying in bed. Ask your doctor about appropriate exercises to start sooner rather than later. Exercise therapy can help heal acute back pain and help prevent a repeat episode.
Chiropractic manipulation, acupuncture, massage or yoga provide relief for some people with acute back pain. Several studies support using these alternative/complementary therapies.
Many people can relieve their back pain with these simple measures. If they don’t provide complete relief, then non-prescription NSAID medicines often will do the trick.
Dr. Komaroff is a physician and professor at Harvard Medical School. To send questions, go to AskDoctorK.com, or write: Ask Doctor K, 10 Shattuck St., Second Floor, Boston, MA 02115.

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