Simple Health Truths Stated by A Doctor 07105

Simple Health Truths Stated by A Doctor

There are some health truths that need to be made clear.  I do not intend to tell you all the data behind these statements because this whole blog tells you the details article by article.

There is no other way to make myself really clear about health issues than to just lay them out in a list:

1) If you smoke cigarettes (or marijuana, which is held in the lungs longer, though the smoking may be more infrequent) you will die.  It may take longer than a gun to the head, but you have made a decision to die younger than you have to.

By the way, your secondhand smoke guarantees that your children will have allergies, clogged arteries, and asthma.

The smoke that lands on surfaces (third-hand smoke) will keep everyone in contact with your habit for as long as it takes to clean the walls and fabrics!

Congratulations!  You have hurt many more people than yourself!

2) Exercise benefits you in every way possible!  30 minutes or more of sustained effort for benefits that are not just for your muscles but to benefit blood sugar, the immune system, and digestion!

3) Get your blood pressure and diabetes under control!  Whatever it takes – medication, exercise, diet.  These two are evil and good buddies – high blood pressure leads to diabetes and diabetes leads to high blood pressure if either is not controlled.

4) Stay away from processed foods and fads.  Load up on the produce section of your local market.  Produce is good for you in ways we don’t even understand.  

Please don’t tell me how you hate broccoli or won’t eat spinach – I don’t care.  Eat something else that you do like.  It is that simple – it is all good for you!

5) Get sleep and stop staying up all night.  Sleep is essential for proper physical and mental functioning.

6) Get out and play with your friends.  Social interaction and taking time to enjoy other people is a way to show you love them, enjoy them, and care about yourself.

7) Coffee in moderation is good for you.

Alcohol (especially wine) in moderation is good for you.

8) Having a purpose in life will keep dementia far from you for as long as possible.  People without a purpose in life die earlier than they need to.

9)  Take “ME” time to enjoy being you.  The gym is a perfect “ME TIME” place to go – you are only doing thing for yourrself there.

Ditch the cell phone.  It distracts from the benefits from going to the gym.. No one needs to be in touch with you for one hour that you need to have in the gym.

10) Cook at home and eat with others.  You need the socialization, you need to eat healthier, you need this time to connect with your family.


Doctors all know this as fact:  If you follow all of the 10 things I have listed, most of us would have diminished practices and less income.  

Bad health habits mean more income for doctors, less money for you, more time wasted in doctors’ offices.

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