Statins and Lower Cancer Mortality; Risk Cut by Up to a Half 07105

Statins and Lower Cancer Mortality; Risk Cut by Up to a Half

Statin use is associated with a significant reduction in cancer mortality, conclude two separate studies, one in women, the other in men. Both were presented here at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2015 Annual Meeting.
Specifically, statin use was associated with a 22% reduction in deaths from various cancer types in women and a 55% reduction in deaths from bone/connective tissue cancers. The study in men looked at statin use together with the antidiabetes medication metformin and found a 40% reduction in prostate cancer mortality, with the effect more pronounced in men with obesity/metabolic syndrome.
As for how such an effect is achieved, the researchers speculate that statins interfere with cell growth and metastasis by blocking cholesterol production, thereby affecting molecular pathways and the inflammatory response.

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2015 Annual Meeting: Abstracts 1506 and 5018. Presented May 30, 2015.

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