Statins Don’t Worsen Muscle Injury From Moderately Intense Exercise 07105

Statins Don’t Worsen Muscle Injury From Moderately Intense Exercise

People who are physically active and on statins may have one less potential concern about the drugs. Despite their reputation for causing muscle injury, a new study suggests statins won’t worsen the toll that sustained, moderately intensive exercise already takes on patients’ muscles.

Statin therapy in this prospective, controlled study wasn’t seen to aggravate normal muscle fatigue or pain from sustained exercise or adversely affect enzymes or other biomarkers associated with muscle injury.

The findings come from 100 individuals, of whom about two thirds were on statins, participating in a public, 4-day, long-distance walking event held annually in the Netherlands. Results were published April 11 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology with Neeltje A.E. Allard, MD, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, as lead author.

For all of statins’ common use in adults with cardiovascular (CV) risk factors, the drugs are often blamed for causing excessive muscle pain or injury as a side effect. Yet there is a predominance of evidence to the contrary based on meta-analyses and clinical trials, suggesting that the drugs are taking the rap for many entirely unrelated muscle symptoms.

J Am Coll Cardiol, 2023;81:1353-1364, 1365-1367. Full TextEditorial

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