Struggling With Low Back Pain? Try This Chiropractor’s 5-Minute Exercise to Relieve It 07105

Struggling With Low Back Pain? 

Try This Chiropractor’s 5-Minute Exercise to Relieve It

    No matter your job or lifestyle, we’ve all dealt with low back pain from time to time. It can range from mild soreness to a debilitating ache, and it’s often difficult to pinpoint the cause. However, a certified chiropractor under the name “The Anatomy of Therapy” on TikTok has a solution that can help relieve your symptoms.

How To Get Rid of Low Back Pain With a 5-Minute Bridge Variation

To test out the routine featured in this video, I pulled out a bath towel (couldn’t find the yoga mat!) and laid myself down on the ground with my feet facing the wall. I wiggled up close to the wall and bent my knees so that my legs formed a 90 degree angle, making sure that the bottoms of my feet could easily rest on the wall. Then, I placed a rolled-up towel between my knees and held it there so that my knees pointed inward. This position felt awkward at first, but I got used to it!

I raised my legs off the floor slightly by pushing my feet against the wall, then began doing the iconic “feet kicks” shown in the video. It took some practice to keep myself stable and centered so I wouldn’t lose balance, but I kept with it. The video instructs you to complete 50 reps and by the 30th rep, I was certainly feeling it! By 50, I was ready to stop.

When I was finished, I gave my legs a little shake and completed three simple yoga stretches — a downward dog, bridge pose from the floor, and child’s pose — to ease any tension. When I stood up, I felt refreshed.

How to Treat Low Back Pain in the Long Term

I can’t say for certain whether the five-minute bridge variation did enough for my low back, as I think lower back exercises that have lasting effects take some time. But it felt good to stretch and get things moving midday, and I plan to continue doing this quick little exercise to strengthen my back muscles.

Keep in mind that most forms of back pain require a multi-step approach if you truly want to ease symptoms. It’s always a good idea to check in with your doctor first before trying any exercise, especially if you have debilitating pain. With the right regimen though, you may improve your day-to-day aches!

via Blogger