Study Confirms Link Between Red Meat and Diabetes Risk 07105

Study Confirms Link Between Red Meat and Diabetes Risk

Excess consumption of red meat, whether processed or not, is linked to a greater risk for developing type 2 diabetes. This association was confirmed by a new study published last month in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a data analysis of nearly 217,000 people who were monitored for three decades as part of several cohort studies. “Our study supports the current dietary recommendations of limiting consumption of red meat and highlights the importance of different alternative sources of protein in preventing type 2 diabetes,” the researchers write.

Those who consumed more red meat had a higher BMI, higher total energy intake, and greater likelihood of being a smoker. They were physically less active and less likely to take multivitamins. In a follow-up of 5.48 million person-years, 22,761 cases of type 2 diabetes were recorded.


Several biological mechanisms could contribute to the increased risk for type 2 diabetes in people who consume red meat. The high level of saturated fats or the relatively low level of polyunsaturated fats, heme iron, or the high nitrate content in processed red meats could play a role. A strong positive association between consumption of this meat, particularly when processed, and the onset of diabetes has already emerged from other studies, including a trial carried out several years ago in the same cohorts. “In the current study, we wanted to look at this association in the same three cohorts in more detail, with over 9000 additional cases of type 2 diabetes documented with extensive follow-up,” the researchers explain.

This article was translated from Univadis Italy, which is part of the Medscape professional network.

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