Synthetic Marijuana an Urgent Public Health Threat 07105

Synthetic Marijuana an Urgent Public Health Threat

A spike in calls to poison control centers related to harmful effects from synthetic cannabinoids has federal health officials at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on edge.

According to the June 12 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report , between January and May 2015, US poison centers in 48 states received 3572 calls related to synthetic cannabinoid use, a 229% increase from the 1085 calls received during the same period in 2014.

The 2015 figures include a spike of 1501 calls in April and 15 reported deaths, a threefold increase over the five deaths reported in 2014.

“The increasing number of synthetic cannabinoid variants available, higher toxicity of new variants, and the potentially increased use as indicated by calls to poison centers might suggest that synthetic cannabinoids pose an emerging public health threat,” Royal Law, MPH, and colleagues with the CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health write in their report.

“Multiple other recent outbreaks suggest a need for greater public health surveillance and awareness, targeted public health messaging, and enhanced efforts to remove these products from the market,” they note.

Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015;64;618-619. Full text

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