Posts Tagged: Blogger

Later retirement linked to lower risk of Alzheimer’s

Later retirement linked to lower risk of Alzheimer’s, study shows Keep working, keep mentally active, keep Alzheimer’s disease away.  Workers who postpone retirement are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia known to affect the elderly than those who leave their jobs at age 60, a recent survey of nearly half… Read more »

Love Hurts? Not Like Smoking!

Love Hurts? Not Like Smoking! This one isn’t exactly hot off the presses, but it’s worth noting. Of course, we’ve known for a while that smoking is a definite risk factor for back pain and disc disease. A new study presented this March at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons… Read more »

5 Horrifying Secrets Supermarkets Don’t Want You to Know

Please read this: 5 Horrifying Secrets Supermarkets Don’t Want You to Know. via Blogger

You have a what? Slow Metabolism? Why aren’t you dead?

You have a what? Slow Metabolism?  Why aren’t you dead?I hear far too often that the reason that people are overweight or obese is because they have a “slow metabolism.”  There is only one kind of really slow metabolism: death.  Everyone else has a “slowed metabolism” and that is easily remedied. Our friends at wikipedia say… Read more »

Pregnancy: Early Weight Gain For Mother May Be Bad Start for Infant

Early Weight Gain in Pregnancy May Be Bad Start for InfantMothers who put on too much weight early in their pregnancies have bigger, fatter babies, a new study shows.Implementing preventive measures in the period before conception or in early pregnancy may be necessary to prevent early excessive gestational weight gain and its potential detrimental effects… Read more »

Inadequate Sleep May in Itself Up Odds of Diabetes Onset

Inadequate Sleep May in Itself Up Odds of Diabetes OnsetTroubled sleep, short sleep, and sleep apnea predicted the onset of type 2 diabetes, independent of mental-health disorders, in a prospective study of young, healthy military personnel.The paper was published online July 8 in Diabetes Care.  It is the first study to clearly show that lack of… Read more »

Obesity Gene: Scientists find how ‘obesity gene’ makes people fat Scientists find how ‘obesity gene’ makes people fatScientists have unraveled how a gene long associated with obesity makes people fat by triggering increased hunger, opening up potential new ways to fight a growing global health problem.A common variation in the FTO gene affects one in six of the population, making them 70 percent… Read more »

Obesity ‘may pose osteoporosis risk’

Obesity ‘may pose osteoporosis risk’Obesity may be a risk factor for the frail bone disease osteoporosis, a study suggests.US researchers have discovered that some people who are overweight have hidden fat inside their bones that could make them weak and prone to fractures.The findings are published in the journal Radiology.The scans reveal some people carry… Read more »