The heart-healthy benefits of a visit to the seashore (Roizon article0 07105

The heart-healthy benefits of a visit to the seashore

Helen Keller once commented: “I could never stay long enough on the shore. The tang of the untainted, fresh and free sea air was like a cool, quieting thought.”

Great news for your seaside adventures this summer: Keller was spot on, according to a new study out of the University of (landlocked) Vienna. Researchers there looked at data on 15,000 folks from 15 countries on the effects of visiting or living by the seashore. They found that folks who visit the coast once a week are 260% more likely to say they have good health than those who never visit the coast. And even folks who go seaside just once or twice a year have health that’s reportedly more than 50% better than folks who are never seaside.

The benefits may come from reducing exposure to air pollution, getting more physical activity, having enjoyable social interactions, and de-stressing.

The lessons you can take away from the study, even if you cannot make it to the beach or shore? Make an effort to get into green spaces where air quality is better; engage in physical activities that reduce stress; take time out of your day to surround yourself with soul-soothing natural beauty; and when you can, take time off. One study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health followed 12,000 men at high-risk for coronary heart disease for nine years and found those who took annual vacations were 32% less like to die from CHD during that time than non-vacationers. Shore makes sense to me!

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