The Philosophy at Chiropractic Lane: Motion is Health 07105


The Philosophy at Chiropractic Lane: Motion is Health

Among the many differences you will experience at Chiropractic Lane is our philosophy that motion is the only answer to restoring the patient to a healthy condition.

To understand what this means to us, it is important to understand what motion means to your body.
Let’s get some common mistaken ideas about the body cleared up:
1) The heart is the only thing that pumps the blood through the body
2) Digestion only occurs as the body performs peristalsis and moves the body through the digestive track
3) Bones are healthiest when you are young and slowly degenerate as you grow older.
4) Old bodies can’t do anything but get more decrepit as we age
5) Going to the gym is only a way to build your physique so it looks nice so it really is just for young people and those trying to get back into the dating scene.
6) Women should only use weights if they want to be muscular and “butch”
The truth is much simpler – motion makes all the processes of the body work and makes them work betterMotion is made up of the muscles moving and they move in a “squeeze and release” method. This motion squeezes the muscles and the blood supply (arteries and veins) and this moves the blood to and from all the parts of the body.
True, the heart pumps and each successive pump moves more blood but real efficiency only occurs when the body is moving and assisting the heart.
Now apply this “squeeze and release” idea to digestion – the muscles that make up the torso also perform this action and this assists the digestive track in moving your digesting food along efficiently.
When your body is moving, materials are moving in and out as the system needs to break down and build up muscles and bones as demands on them are increased. This process is called “metabolism”.
Metabolism keeps muscles and bones healthy and this is the only way to keep yourself young. No one is immune to the calendar but every body is immune to the impact of letting it decide your state of health. When you move, whether it is walking, running, swimming, lifting, or exercising you are creating motion in the body.
One of the biggest errors we see is the idea that the gym is for younger people, mostly men who want to look “buff” and women who want to look their best and attract those men. Nothing is further from the truth.
The gym is an excellent place to learn how to work on improving your “motion” in a safe environment. It is also the best place to improve your flexibility and strength and learn how to prevent aches and pains that will cause you to seek out a doctor or chiropractor!
At Chiropractic Lane we are driven to help our patient get better and return to motion. We are always available to rehabilitate our patient but we also enjoy working with them to prevent common problems like backache, neck pain, and subluxations.
One of our mottos is “we can always help you as long as you are on this side of the ground, once you are on the other side, it gets much harder.”  Yes, when you are dead it is much harder to improve yourself!
No matter where you are in your physical conditioning or level of pain and discomfort, let us work with you to return you to motion and health!
Motion – it isn’t just for mobility, it’s the basis of health!
True story about one of my colleagues, used with his permission.  Blase Toto is an excellent chiropractor in NJ.  He has reached such a pinnacle of excellence that he was one of the team chiropractors for the United States at the Vancouver Games in 2008.
Because of this privilege, Blase (it is pronounced like “Blaze”) suited up like the athletes.  I want to make this clear, he was dressed in the same clothes as the competitors.
To commemorate this amazing experience in his life, Blase had himself photographed with many of the wonderful young athletes going for the medals at this historic event.  He shared these photos at a meeting of the Association of New Jersey Chiropractors that I attended.
With a standard digital camera and no special lighting, Blase was photographed standing next to Apolo Ohno and Lindsay Vonn, among others: physically lovely people at the peak of their health.  I am sure that Blase was at his best, too, but he is older and more sedentary than these stars of winter sports.
My point, these athletes GLOWED off the photograph!!  Blase looked like he was in a shadow standing next to these athletes.  Their health was so superb that they radiated health, like human suns!
Good health will make you radiate and glow, I have seen this truth in real people.

Thank you Blase for letting me share this story.

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