Two More Conditions That Respond Well To Increased Vitamin D 07105


Two More Conditions That Respond Well To Increased Vitamin D

Reducing your risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) is now added to the long list of benefits from having sufficient Vitamin D in your body. A recent study concluded that “Vitamin D deficiency is significantly associated with the prevalence and extent of CAD…”
Make sure you have enough Vitamin D every day.
In addition to persistent pain fibromyalgia can cause fatigue, loss of sleep, reduced concentration and depression. Fibromyalgia has a significant impact on a person’s quality of life and can even result in loss of employment.
“Patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) typically have widespread chronic pain and fatigue. For those with low vitamin D levels, vitamin D supplements can reduce pain and may be a cost-effective alternative or adjunct to other treatment, say researchers in the current issue of PAIN®.”

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