Vitamin D Reduces Musculoskeletal Pain 07105

Vitamin D Reduces Musculoskeletal Pain

Vitamin D has already been shown to reduce the risk of some cancers, diabetes, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and other life-threatening ailments. Earlier studies have also shown the ability for Vitamin D to reduce various forms of pain.

A study from The Netherlands of people with “persistent nonspecific musculoskeletal pain” separated the subjects into two groups, one which received Vitamin D and a “placebo” group. The researchers found that “patients in the vitamin D group were significantly more likely than their counterparts in the placebo group to report pain relief 6 weeks after treatment.”

The repercussions of low D are significant: D regulates the function of more than 200 genes that control growth and development; deficiency has been linked to obesity, hypertension, depression, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease.

It also might contribute to development of breast, prostate and colon cancers. And now it seems that low D is more likely to contribute to Type 2 diabetes than being overweight! (And we know that is a major risk factor.)

Spanish researchers looked at folks (some lean, some obese) and found two things: Lean people with diabetes had lower D levels than lean folks without diabetes; and obese people without diabetes had higher levels of vitamin D than obese people with diabetes. So for a diabetes-free health plan, in addition to maintaining a healthy weight, eating plenty of fresh produce and walking 10,000 steps a day — get your vitamin D levels checked and take 1,000 IU of D-3 a day.
If you have musculoskeletal pain, by all mean see your doctor of chiropractic first. While you’re there, ask them about your nutritional needs, particularly Vitamin D.

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