Watercress is Amazing!

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Watercress is Amazing!

Turns out that, per calorie, watercress delivers the maximum amount of nutrients, earning what the Aggregate Nutrient Density Index considers a perfect 1,000. One cup of watercress contains 4 calories, but delivers 106 percent of your daily value for vitamin K, 21 percent of vitamin A; 24 percent of vitamin C; 4 percent of calcium; 3 percent of potassium; and a touch of several B vitamins, as well as manganese, copper, phosphorus and magnesium. 

Although watercress grows wild in streams, it’s better to skip that potentially chemically polluted or parasite- or bacteria-bearing source. Stick with cultivated watercress grown in pure water. It can be enjoyed raw or cooked. So toss it in a salad, steam it in a stir-fry or add it to soups and casseroles. And serve it with tea on 100 percent whole-grain bread (trim the crust!) with a sprinkle of olive oil and thinly sliced cucumber. 

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