Weight Loss Relieves Symptoms in Knee OA

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Weight Loss Relieves Symptoms in Knee OA

Obese patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) who maintain an initial weight loss report fewer symptoms compared with their baseline level of symptoms, Danish researchers reported in Arthritis Care & Research.

The improvement in symptoms was similar regardless of the weight maintenance program followed; either a dietary intervention, a program of knee exercises, or no formal intervention (controls). The results suggest that weight loss is the key component to knee OA pain relief, according to Henning Bliddal, MD, DMSc, of Copenhagen University Hospital, and colleagues.
The finding, which comes from an assessment of data from CAROT (Cartilage in Obese Knee Osteoarthritis Patients Trial), “confirms the feasibility of long-term weight loss maintenance in sedentary individuals, in this case patients with mobility limitations due to knee OA,” the authors wrote.
CAROT is a randomized controlled trial of patients 50 years and older with knee OA and a body mass index 30 kg/m2 who underwent a 16-week intensive dietary weight loss intervention before being randomized to one of three maintenance groups for 52 weeks. 

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