Monthly Archives: August 2013

Substance Abuse Daily Among US Teens 07105 Substance Abuse Daily Among US Teens A typical day in the life of many US teens includes cigarette smoking, marijuana use, and/or alcohol consumption, new research shows.A new report released by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) shows on an average day almost 1 million of US teenagers… Read more »

Get a Flat Stomach From Seven “Bad” Foods 07105 Get a Flat Stomach From Seven “Bad” Foods(some of these will surprise you!)These 7 shocking Fatty (but healthy) super-foods can actually help you to burn body fat faster!At this point, the anti-fat propaganda has died and almost everybody understands by now that eating fat doesn’t necessarily make you fat.  In fact,… Read more »

Severe Low Back Pain May Lead to Future Problems 07105 Severe Low Back Pain May Lead to Future ProblemsIt’s important to provide relief to patients early on, study says For people suffering from severe, short-term low back pain, an end may not be in sight: A new study finds that they’re at increased risk for long-term pain and disability.The study included… Read more »

Child Vaccine Recommendations Have Changed 07105 Child Vaccine Recommendations Have ChangedA Mayo Clinic Children’s Center pediatrician advises parents there have been changes in vaccinations and changes in U.S. vaccine recommendations.Dr. Robert Jacobson of the Mayo Clinic Children’s Center in Rochester, Minn., a vaccine specialist, says children can now be vaccinated for human papillomavirus, at age 11, rather… Read more »

BRCA1 Mutation Not Linked to Worse Outcome 07105 Breast Cancer Mutation Not Linked to Worse OutcomeGene mutations known to increase a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer do not appear to also worsen her chance of survival after a diagnosis, a new study suggests.The findings should be reassuring to women with breast cancer, as carrying the BRCA1 mutations is… Read more »

Midwifes Linked to Fewer Premature Babies 07105 Midwifes Linked to Fewer Premature BabiesWomen cared for by midwives throughout pregnancy tended to have less-complicated births and were less likely to go into labor earlier than women getting standard medical care, according to a new review of more than a dozen studies.Pregnancy care that was led or entirely provided by… Read more »

Hysterectomies May Cause Kidney Cancer 07105 safety-lane.comHysterectomies May Cause Kidney Cancer Hysterectomy is the most common gynecologic surgery for women.  This study found that “hysterectomy for benign indications was significantly associated with renal cell carcinoma.” This was especially true for women undergoing the surgery at a young age. Read Abstract via Blogger

Healthy Lifestyle = 23% Less Colorectal Cancer 07105 Healthy Lifestyle Cuts Colorectal Cancer by 23% A healthy lifestyle includes physical activity, a normal waist circumference, not smoking, low alcohol intake and a proper diet. This study found that if all participants followed this prescription for health, “23% of the colorectal cancer cases might have been prevented.”  This is in… Read more »

Short Breastfeeding Increases Mother’s Diabetes 07105 Short Breastfeeding Increases Mother’s Diabetes Mothers who do not breast-feed at all are almost twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes as those mothers who breast-feed their babies for at least one month. While studies have already shown that breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, and postpartum depression,… Read more »

Protein Directly After Exercise 07105 Consuming Protein Directly After Exercise More Effective In a study examining both young and older men, researchers found that “exercising before protein intake allows for a greater use of dietary protein–derived amino acids for de novo muscle protein synthesis in both young and elderly men.” Interestingly enough, there was almost no… Read more »