Monthly Archives: August 2024

Walk away from your health risks (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.cbd-laneNEWARK Walk away from your health risks When it comes to walking you may think the benefits are limited to improving balance, leg strength and respiration, along with dispelling stress and managing your blood sugar. Not quite. Research shows that walking has far-reaching powers to counter even genetic predispositions to poor health! When Harvard University… Read more »

Three ways to stop age-related muscle loss (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.cbd-laneNEWARK Three ways to stop age-related muscle loss Many people find that they’re hitting their stride around age 35. But the body has other ideas. That’s when the gradual loss of muscle mass begins. Folks typically experience a 1% to 2% loss of muscle annually up to age 60, then it accelerates to around 3%…. Read more »

Health News you can use: Zepbound and diabetes, Red Meat and Diabetes 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.cbd-laneNEWARK The weight loss and diabetes drug tirzepatide, sold under the brand name Zepbound, was highly effective at reducing the risk of progressing from prediabetes to the more serious condition of type 2 diabetes.  See here Red and Processed Meats Linked to Increased Type 2 Diabetes Risk. See here via Blogger

Heart-Healthy Diet 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.cbd-laneNEWARK Heart-Healthy Diet The American Heart Association recently released a report stating that by 2050, at least six out of 10 Americans will have some type of cardiovascular disease. That includes coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, heart arrhythmias and vascular disease. But there is encouraging news—80% to 90% of heart disease is… Read more »

Spilling the beans … on beans (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.cbd-laneNEWARK Spilling the beans … on beans You may not give a hill of beans about the health benefits of beans — but they stack up to a mountain of good news. Research shows that they improve your heart health by reducing lousy LDL cholesterol levels. For example, one study recently found that folks who… Read more »

How a vegan diet affects aging (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.cbd-laneNEWARK How a vegan diet affects aging  Only around 1% of Americans are vegan — avoiding any food product related to animals. So, when researchers came up with the idea of checking out the benefits of avoiding meat and more by looking at 22 sets of twins — one put on a healthy vegan diet,… Read more »

To be happy tomorrow, eat fruit today (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.cbd-laneNEWARK To be happy tomorrow, eat fruit today 6 million older Americans are struggling with the physical and emotional challenges of depression. That can lead to inactivity, poor nutrition and lack of social interaction, all fueling chronic health problems. To protect yourself from that future, we’ve long recommended having a posse and a purpose, getting… Read more »

A spice that eases joint pain just as well as an NSAID (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.cbd-laneNEWARK A spice that eases joint pain just as well as an NSAID We’re a nation in pain. More than 70 million prescriptions for pain-relieving NSAIDs are written annually in the U.S. When you add purchases of over-the-counter meds like ibuprofen and naproxen sodium, it’s estimated that more than 30 billion doses of NSAIDs are… Read more »

Is your acne from an omega-3 deficiency? (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.cbd-laneNEWARK Is your acne from an omega-3 deficiency? Acne isn’t just a problem for teens — although 85% of teens and young adults contend with it. It affects adults, too, popping up for the first time after the age of 25. According to Yale Medicine, 25% of women and 12% of men in their 40s… Read more »

Are you sleeping your way to Type 2 diabetes? (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.cbd-laneNEWARK Are you sleeping your way to Type 2 diabetes? A disordered sleep pattern — meaning the amount of sleep you get varies by 30 to 60 minutes or more night-to-night — puts you on a well-ordered path to health problems. A 2019 study found that getting different amounts of shut-eye each night ups your… Read more »