Age-related weight gain doesn’t have to happen!
Gaining weight with age often occurs so gradually — the rule seems to be a pound a year. But 20 years equals 20 pounds. Yikes! Don’t resign yourself to it.
Dr. Lane suggests that there are six things that have the biggest impact on weight gain as you age. Prepare to be surprised!
1. Potatoes. While potatoes themselves have few calories (unless you add things to them) if you tend to eat a lot of fried potatoes, potato chips and mashed potatoes, you’re more likely to gain weight through the years than someone who favors 100 percent whole grains and other complex carbs, says new data.
2. Red meat. All meat (regular or processed) makes you gain. Fish (as long as it’s not fried), fruits and vegetables don’t.
3. Sugar. OK, no surprise here. Sugary drinks (we all have read what Mayor Bloomberg did in NYC and the impact it had on decreased obesity rates) and desserts (and other highly processed carbs, like white bread) make you bulge. Naturally sweet fruit doesn’t.
4. Stop lifting light things, like your forks. How about heavy things, like weights? Weight training builds muscle. Muscle burns more calories 24/7 than soft stuff. Make push-ups and squats an every-other-day habit. No equipment needed.
5. Lack of sleep. It affects your waistline. Not least because you eat for energy when you’re tired or stay up late. Aim for 6.5-8 hours.
6. TV. Watching three hours a day adds five pounds every 20 years. Exercise does the opposite. But you knew that!
What we are talking about here is lifestyle changes that all of us can do. There is no reason not to look better as we age, not worse!
via Blogger
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