Things to be learned from Tony Robbins Lectures
I read an article about Tony Robbins lectures and the author noted these things which I think can be useful to anyone. I am not advocating people going to spend the enormous amount that TR demands from his followers and being forced to do his seminars and sessions, but there is some core information that all people should internalize. I have distilled the long article to these ideas:
Six Core Human Needs
Tony states that he “discovered” that there are really six core human needs. How we align them and how we pursue fulfillment of them determines much about our life satisfaction. Here they are in no order of importance:
- Significance is the desire to feel important and recognized. We desire to be significant to the world and to be acknowledged for what we’ve contributed. If it’s your first or second human need, as it was for me, you may be living for the acclaim and recognition of others, which for me led to less happiness, hence the need for a shift.
- Certainty is the desire to feel stable or that we can rely on certain things to happen that are predictable and reliable. I board a plane with a sense of certainty that I will safely arrive at my destination. I enter into a romantic relationship with a certain expectation and hope of certainty that my partner will honor our relationship and I’ll do the same.
- Uncertainty is the need for variety in our lives. Whether we are aware of it or not, we all have this need. It doesn’t mean we’re all daredevils, but we all long for a bit of variation to keep our lives from becoming stale. Some have a huge need for variety, others less so.
- Love and Connection is the need to feel connected to other people on a deep level. This goes without saying, but love and connection remains one of the most fulfilling needs, if not the most. To the core of who we are as humans, we long to give love and to feel connected to others—humans, our pets, our purpose.
- Contribution is the need to make a difference and to contribute to the world. When we make a difference in the worl, that gives meaning and depth to our existence. There’s a deeper and more profound joy when generosity is a core element of how we live.
- Growth is the inner ache to push ourselves to become new or greater. When we grow, we feel happy. We feel alive. Think of how alive a young child is when he’s discovering the endless variety of things as simple as the animal kingdom. Or how we sometimes fondly reflect on high growth seasons of our lives and realize they were among the most fulfilling.
There’s hardly anything in the world that is more powerful than to start your day off with gratitude and to live with gratitude. Recognition to anyone or anything for your life on this planet is an important part of being a member of a community and society in general.
If I lead my life asking myself, “How can I give? How can I add value?” and, “How can I contribute?”, the dynamics of my entire life change. This includes friendships, relationships, and business. We all need purpose in our lives. It’s a timeless principle that pays dividends externally and internally.
It is my belief that not having a purpose in life is what accelerates the decline we see in old people.
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