Early breakfast may help you dodge Type 2 diabetes (Roizon article)

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Early breakfast may help you dodge Type 2 diabetes

A study has concluded that having breakfast before 8 a.m. significantly reduces your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

That’s the conclusion of a study published in International Journal of Epidemiology that tracked more than 100,000 people for an average of seven years. They found that folks who put off having breakfast until later in the morning — or skipped it altogether — upped their risk for Type 2 diabetes by 59%. Eating a late breakfast may also be why around 96 million people in the U.S. have prediabetes. 

One study found that skipping breakfast, especially if you are overweight and a teenager, without reducing calories and exercising regularly, leads to prediabetes. And that’s a ticket to full-blown diabetes down the road.

An early breakfast may be beneficial because it tends to lower your total daily calorie intake, and starts off your day with better insulin regulation — especially if you have a breakfast that focuses on protein instead of carbs (even good carbs like oatmeal).

How can you incorporate an early breakfast into an intermittent fasting weight-loss plan? Have breakfast between 7 a.m.-8 a.m. and your last meal before 5 p.m. at night. Eat 75% of your daily calories before 2 p.m. and dinner should be the smallest meal of the day.

via Blogger https://bit.ly/45xBhbH